I started walking with a stick in my hand along with my hand bag and even my phone searching for network,yeah damm you network, how the hell I would find my location in GPS navigation now,oh god I didn't even bring compass,,, wait wait I have it in my phone, just as I was about to squeal happily, but Alas! My happiness was short lived,I suddenly remembered that I didn't know where I was great, just great.

I was still thinking hard to just find some type of clue that where should I go, suddenly I thought of something if I was in the cave which was located too close to South West then ,even if I am on the other side of it I would still be in South West,ok great going Adhvi keep it up,I encouraged myself as I was still walking or more like aimlessly roaming and I am thankful that no animals visited me, probably they thought I was one among them,ha! I am great I know that.

Now I used my phone's compass to go towards South, and I just hoped that there was no magnetic field in here as it would just make things worst.

I was still walking in the same direction.
Now I am really sick of it I am in serious problem as I have little water left in my water bottle and thank you Mumma for suggesting it. My whole body was aching because of the enormous attack of rocks, and now I was walking for god knows how many hours as I didn't know why my phone thought to not show the time,I mean come on if you don't have network even then we can see the time and I don't know were my watch is,oh god this is seriously frustrating.

Now I sat by a big tree which had fruits in it and by the looks of it, it was an orange tree, so I thought it was okay to eat and I was not freaked out about the orange tree,I mean it was pretty common in some parts of Maharashtra. But what shook me was the size of the oranges,they looked pretty much big more than the ones I have normally seen,hmmm strange but yeah then again they may have never discovered these types or they were exporting them, both of which is quite possible, even if I hesitated for some seconds,I apparently took the orange which was not really near me but it sure was of my reach after some Acrobatics. If I knew how to do it lol!

As I was eating the oranges I thought that how my life turned a complete 360° from how it was this morning... Wait wait this was not that morning now was it,I mean we spent the whole day almost till evening in the cave,... then I was asleep from yesterday night till today late afternoon..
Oh my god,, no,no the real word is I was unconscious.. hmm that sounds better,. Well after I came back to the dangerous reality that I was stuck in some place I didn't even have a clue about, and on top of it I didn't have enough water left even though I have some oranges with me, that was not enough and soon it would be dark and i didn't even had a lighter with me, but yeah I could seriously try the stones , but how could i possibly fight with the cold,now I was wondering that I had more invisible enemies than the visible ones.

I started walking again in the same direction and even then I was thinking about how lightly I was actually handling this situation,I mean I was not freaking out, which is great by the way, and I noticed that I was literally irritated now, and I internally grimaced at how much my facial expression may have matched that unknown twin of mine,ew.

I suddenly heard something,or more like some footsteps,I was about to get excited and squeal loudly when I realised that it could be some type of animal and I really didn't wanted to be someone's lunch or dinner, when I myself didn't have dinner, so I stayed behind a tree to watch what it was, and trust me at this very moment I remembered all the movies, like Jurassic park series,lake placid, Anaconda, Godzilla, man-eater, tentacles and many more and I  sincerely wished that I should have never watched these,they were literally giving me goosebumps a very bad one. With the every step that creature took my heart was beating rapidly in my chest and I for one thought that I was going to die because of heart stroke.

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