Halloween party part one 🎃

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Angel POV

Today was me and the girls Halloween hosting party I was so happy because my Halloween outfit came right on time I had a few things to do today before I go and meet up with them I had to go pick up the cupcakes and a meeting today with my manger I got into the shower washing up

Today was me and the girls Halloween hosting party I was so happy because my Halloween outfit came right on time I had a few things to do today before I go and  meet up with them I had to go pick up the cupcakes and a meeting today with my manger ...

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and after about an hour I got out drying then I did my hair and makeup then got dressed
I got my phone and bag and car keys then I left locking the door behind then getting too my car pulling off

and after about an hour I got out drying then I did my hair and makeup then got dressed I got my phone and bag and car keys then I left locking the door behind then getting too my car pulling off

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3 hours later

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3 hours later

I was now at the meeting with my manger talking about some of the up coming things I have going on

Manger: okay so I also wanna let you know your live vevo performance is tomorrow and then you have your photo shoots , new things from your line dropping soon and your store also opening soon and also would you like to do a little tour for your ep ?
Angel: yes I would my fan's have been blowing my Instagram up about me doing a fallen Angel tour so why not give it too them they deserve it after all

1 hour later

I was now with Jada,BrentMan, Luna and sky

I was now with Jada,BrentMan, Luna and sky

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the Halloween party was gonna be amazing everything was looking good we all sat down too take a break after being up for hours helping putting everything together for the party tonight

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the Halloween party was gonna be amazing everything was looking good we all sat down too take a break after being up for hours helping putting everything together for the party tonight

Luna: so is Shawn still coming?
Angel: I'm not sure we haven't really talked like that
Luna: I'm you guys will make up you always do
Angel: dose not
Sky: girl you and Shawn our like a couple get into it then later on y'all good again
Angel: yeah but my mind is just all over the place after last night
BrentMan: I don't why mosey kissed you in the first place he has a whole girl he's weird
Angel: very

After talking and chilling for a bit we got back too work and that lasted about two more hours when everything was ready we all headed back too my place too get ready for a lot ass night

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