PhotoShoot with Allure ✨

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Angel POV

Today I was doing a photoShoot and interview with Allure a really big magazine company I was very happy about it but then again I felt bad that I just didn't say anything too Shawn last night this morning when I got up I seen that he called me 20 times and texted me 34 times after I got done eating because I made me some breakfast I went back upstairs too my room going into the bathroom I brushed my teeth then I got in the shower washing up

Today I was doing a photoShoot and interview with Allure a really big magazine company I was very happy about it but then again I felt bad that I just didn't say anything too Shawn last night this morning when I got up I seen that he called me 20 ...

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After that I got out drying then I did my hair hair I didn't wanna do my makeup today and I didn't really need too since they are gonna be doing it for me I got dressed

After that I got out drying then I did my hair hair I didn't wanna do my makeup today and I didn't really need too since they are gonna be doing it for me I got dressed

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

then I got my car key's leaving out the house locking the door behind me then got into my car pulling off

4 hours later

I was now on my last out for my photo shoot they did my hair and makeup then I got changed into my next outfit then went back too taking pictures when that was over with I went too the dressing room with BrentMan and Jada

I was now on my last out for my photo shoot they did my hair and makeup then I got changed into my next outfit then went back too taking pictures when that was over with I went too the dressing room with BrentMan and Jada

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

who was also here with me I changed my outfit I had on early then they did my makeup and hair for my interview next I walked out the room with Jada and BrentMan heading too where the interview will take place

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

who was also here with me I changed my outfit I had on early then they did my makeup and hair for my interview next I walked out the room with Jada and BrentMan heading too where the interview will take place

who was also here with me I changed my outfit I had on early then they did my makeup and hair for my interview next I walked out the room with Jada and BrentMan heading too where the interview will take place

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

when I got there they said they where ready for me I sat down in they chair into of the camera when everything was ready it was time for me too do my intro for the video then we go on with the interview

Angel: Hi I'm AngelJackson and I'm with Allure today ready too answer you guys questions

Now it was time for the interview
Guy 1: okay first is will you ever drop a album
Angel: will I ever drop a album ?.... Um yes I would who knows maybe I already started writing songs for one if you guys pay really close attention too my post I actually put some lyrics of one of my songs has my caption so if you find it let me know
Guy1: okay next question are you and Shawn dating?
Angel: oh my god what no me and Shawn are just really good friends a working relationship guys okay he's dating Camila and she's beautiful 😻
Guy1: okay next question will you and Shawn ever make a song together
Angel: umm I'm not really sure maybe in the future who knows
Guy1: okay next question is are you happy with your life right now
Angel: yes I am actually I have a lot of friends even some I grew up watching myself like Zendaya I love her she's truly like a sister too me Billie I listened too a lot Winnie,Magen Fox for sure come on it's really a dream come true for me honestly so yes I'm happy with my life

After a few hours the interview was over they said my pictures will be done by tomorrow I said goodbye too everyone then left out with BrentMan and Jada BrentMan took us home when I got home I just got undressed and changed into something comfortable took off my makeup then throwing my hair into a bun then fell asleep

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