Met gala dinner party 🍾

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Angel POV

We left the met gala about 3 hours ago and was now back at the hotel changing into my next outfit it was now 8:30 at night and the dinner starts In a few minutes after Jada was done fixing my makeup

We left the met gala about 3 hours ago and was now back at the hotel changing into my next outfit it was now 8:30 at night and the dinner starts In a few minutes after Jada was done fixing my makeup

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me left out going downstairs they helped me into the car then they got into them we pulled off

25 minutes later

We made it we got out the car with our bodyguards behind us we walked too the front door of the place where the dinner was going to be and they let us right in went took the elevator upstairs has the doors opened there was already so many people here loud music playing

Me and BrentMan and had walked around for a while we ended up finding Billie and a few of our other friends I wanted something to drink so I headed over too the food table near the dinner table they had drinks set up already so I went to grab one ...

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Me and BrentMan and had walked around for a while we ended up finding Billie and a few of our other friends I wanted something to drink so I headed over too the food table near the dinner table they had drinks set up already so I went to grab one but someone else also was going for the same glass and it was Shawn

Angel: I'm sorry you can have it
Shawn: no it's fine it's only right if I be a gentleman and give it too the lady

He said handing me the glass smiling and I smiled back blushing then he got one of his own

Shawn: so have you started packing for the trip yet ?Angel: no I didn't get the chance I was this morning but today was the met gala so I'd didn't have time but tonight and tomorrow I'll have time for sure I honestly can wait where will we be goin...

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Shawn: so have you started packing for the trip yet ?
Angel: no I didn't get the chance I was this morning but today was the met gala so I'd didn't have time but tonight and tomorrow I'll have time for sure I honestly can wait where will we be going?
Shawn: I can't tell you
Angel: why not ?
Shawn: because I want it too be a surprise
Angel: fine but are sure it's okay with Camila
Shawn: yeah why you keep askin?
Angel: sh- Shawn we almosted kissed didn't you tell her ?
Shawn: I did we talked about she was upset but she knows it was just us being drunk
Angel: I guess

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