Rolling loud after party ✨

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Angel POV

We got too the party and it was so many big stars here I walked around with BrentMan and Luna,Jada we made our way too the food table getting us some drinks

We got too the party and it was so many big stars here I walked around with BrentMan and Luna,Jada we made our way too the food table getting us some drinks

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4 hours later

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4 hours later

We where all sitting down talking and laughing about some dumb sky did a long time ago

We where all sitting down talking and laughing about some dumb sky did a long time ago

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And the middle of all that Bagg gets up bro hugging LaroI and mosey with a few of friends I got up smiling giving LaroI a hug I haven't really talked or chilled with my big bro in a minute

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And the middle of all that Bagg gets up bro hugging LaroI and mosey with a few of friends
I got up smiling giving LaroI a hug I haven't really talked or chilled with my big bro in a minute

And the middle of all that Bagg gets up bro hugging LaroI and mosey with a few of friends I got up smiling giving LaroI a hug I haven't really talked or chilled with my big bro in a minute

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Angel: heyyy LaroI: what's up lil sis we haven't chilled or talked in a minuteAngel: yeah because we both been busy I'm proud of you thoLaroI: me nawww your the one who's been killing it lately proud of you baby girl Angel: thank you

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Angel: heyyy
LaroI: what's up lil sis we haven't chilled or talked in a minute
Angel: yeah because we both been busy I'm proud of you tho
LaroI: me nawww your the one who's been killing it lately proud of you baby girl
Angel: thank you

Hey Angel

I turned my head and it was mosey

Angel: what's up?
Mosey: can we talk for a minute
Angel: ummm sure I guess just make it quick

I said getting up following him outside

Angel: what ?
Mosey: I miss you

I just laughed and rolled my eyes walking away but he stopped me

Mosey: I'm serious Angel I do
Angel: I don't care mosey now leave me alone I don't have time for this really
Mosey: look I messed up okay I was dumb but I do miss you and still love you I feel like shit for what I did I couldn't stop thinking about you after we had our divorce meeting what you said really hit me
Angel: if you cared so much then why are you still with diamond??
Mosey: I don't know
Angel: just leave me alone Lathan
Mosey: no
Angel: what?
Mosey: I said no ! I still love you and I'm gonna fight you because your mine so you can stop talking to Shawn
Angel: I'm no one's and me and Shawn are friends
Mosey: please I see how he looks at you and how you look at him I'm not dumb Angel then you go on a trip with this nigga
Angel: so what mosey me and you where done a long time ago so please stop
Mosey: I know you still care about me tho
Angel: whatever I'm done with this

I was gonna leave but once again he stopped me 🙄

Mosey: I wanna hear you say it then
Angel: say what mosey !?
Mosey: that you don't care about me
Angel: just stop
Mosey: say it
Angel: stop mosey !
Mosey : just say it ?
Angel: okay yes still some what care for you are you happy now

He nothing he kissed me and I couldn't help but kiss back he pushed me up against a car

Mosey: I love you

Once he said that I stopped kissing him and realized what I was doing and started thinking about Shawn I slowly pushed him back I looked up at him and he looked confused

Mosey: what why did you stop?
Angel: I - I can't do this mosey
Mosey: what why ?
Angel: I just can't I'm in love with someone else
Mosey: what who ?

I didn't have too say anything for him too know he looked hurt but it's the truth he moved back from me just looking at me

Angel: I'm sorry I have to go

I texted the girls and told them I was going home I called me a ride and waited outside after about an hour it came

 I got in and told the driver where too go when I got home I got a nice bath because I was honestly so stressed right now I care about mosey but I love Shawn my mind is just going crazy right now after my bath I got out drying off then changing in...

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I got in and told the driver where too go when I got home I got a nice bath because I was honestly so stressed right now I care about mosey but I love Shawn my mind is just going crazy right now after my bath I got out drying off then changing into my pajamas I got in bed smoking a blunt and watching wild n out then I fell asleep 💤

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