A plump white mouse squirmed in his grip as he pinched its tail between his claws. Venom seeped from his fangs, pooling on his tongue until he finally popped the creature into his mouth. Blood tinted with the taste of sunflower seeds washed over his tongue as his venom set to work dissolving his prey, with his back teeth making quick work of its bones.

"Not bad," he said after swallowing the tiny mouthful. "It's a shame they aren't bigger, but they're actually pretty good."

"You can have mine." Isabella nudged the cage toward him.

By the time the waiter arrived, Miguel was halfway through the rodents. "Good evening. My name is Alejandro, and I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks, or perhaps a refill on your mice?"

"The last thing we need is more rodents," Isabella hissed, the spines on the back of her neck twitching in agitation. With her scar-studded scales and broad-shouldered, muscular build even more impressive than that of most females, it was a miracle she didn't scare the waiter off.

"Although they are delicious!" Miguel said, desperate to brighten the mood before the other humans took notice. It wouldn't do for Isabella to get them kicked out before Creosote Pack's leader showed up. "We need to make sure we save room for everything else."

Alejandro's smile graced the room like a glimpse at the crescent moon as he laughed. "I'm the same way when it comes to bread. Have you decided what you'd like to start with?"

"I'd like some real food," Isabella said as she squinted at the menu. "None of these meatballs or what have you. Abominations, all of it."

"She doesn't mean that," Miguel said as he ran a hand down his spines in embarrassment. Leave it to his sister to antagonize one of the few humans who was treating them like they weren't a breath away from hunting someone.

"It's alright, I'm sure it's really different from what you're used to. May I suggest the duck blood soup? It's one of our most popular appetizers."

"Sounds good to me." Miguel glanced questioningly at Isabella.

"We'll take two bowls," she said.

"Great!" Alejandro jotted down their appetizer orders. Stress strained the edges of his smile as he fiddled with his pen. "The leader of Creosote Pack just called to let us know she unfortunately won't be able to come tonight because she received a challenge, but she went ahead and ordered tonight's special for both of you. Would that be alright, or has something else caught your eye?"

"That will do," Isabella said. A low growl rumbled out of her as Alejandro left to deliver their order to the kitchen. "It is bad enough she could not come, but must she disrespect us by not letting us choose which pathetic excuses for food we must subject ourselves to?"

"I'm sure she meant well," Miguel said as he fidgeted in his seat. "She can't help being challenged."

"If she was a good leader, nobody would dare to challenge her."

Miguel hummed softly. Good leader or not, Saguaro Pack couldn't afford to reject her hospitality. "If you don't like what she chose for us, I'll hunt us something myself."

Isabella sighed. "I would never make you do that. I know you mean well, hermanito, but this place is just too... pretend. It's like when you run around in a coyote's skin and howl at the moon."

"The hatchlings love it," Miguel said with mock defensiveness. "And this is different. They're really trying. At least, I think they are. Why else would they bother opening a restaurant for us?"

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