Chapter 4

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We arrived at the front door, Storm opened the door and smiled. "Hi, welcome to the party" she cheered.

I gave her a strange look as she moved to the side to let us enter the very over sized house. Sketchy, Jen, Starry and Night walked into the house and stood out by the bar in the back yard.

"Look, Stitch. I'm sorry I was being rude the first time we met. I was having a shitty day" murmered Storm.

"Wait, really?" I added on.
"Yeah, Strike made a fool of myself so I felt kinda like crap.. Brothers, am I right?" She laughed a bit. My eyes widened.
"Your brother's Strike?" I yelled.
"Mhm, well. I'm gonna go, have fun!" I was going to say something but before I got the chance, she left.

I walked over to Starry, Night, Sketchy and Jen. "Do they have any booze here?" Asked Night. "Dude, you don't drink" replied Jen and Starry. "It's boring, let's get a few shots" he said before we got a chance to argue or even say no.. He left to the bar and came back with a tray of about 30 shots.

"Come on guys, it's a party!" Encouraged Sketchy. "Ehhh.. Okay" said Jen. They agreed but I left to go find some food.

Just as I turned the corner of the hallway, Strike slid in front of me. "What do you want?" I asked, annoyed. "Me. You. It could be a thing" he said, clearly he was drunk. "Oh umm wow, you're really drunk right now aren't you?" I joked. "Try me" he said. I narrowed my eyes, I decided to ask him very easy and obvious questions.

"Okay, what colour is... My coat" I asked. "Hmm.. Black. Wait, no. White? Waiiiiit. Grey." He laughed a drunk laugh. I gave up after a few questions. I could tell he was drunk after I asked him what his own name was.. He replied with fucking Mr. Blueberry!

I left after and went back to the 'gang.' They were playing truth or dare. I noticed a lot of ponies were playing. I sat down and joined them.

"Stitch!" I heard the drunk Starry yell. "Oh umm dare." I replied. There was a silent pause as she tried thinking..

After about a minute or two she came up with a dare. "I dare you to jump off the roof into the pool!" She blurted out. "What? No!" I yelled. "Are you a chicken?" She replied. Everypony started making chicken noises.. It annoyed me. I hated being called a chicken, pussy or some shit like that..

"Fine." I said as I trotted outside with my head high, a group of ponies following me. I teleported onto the roof, now everypony was beneath me. Watching my every move.

"She's gonna jump!" I heard a few ponies yell. "She's to much of a chicken. She'll never do it!" Yelled others. I groaned and stepped closer to the edge.

I took a few more steps, the pool was right beneath me. 'How could this go wrong?' I asked myself. I took a step out and began falling to the water, 50 feet. A few seconds went by, 30 feet.

Ponies had there phones out, recording me. I put my hoofs out, a few ponies began screaming at me. Telling me to put my hoofs by my side. I ignored them, next thing I know.. I'm in the water, screaming from the pain.

Starry, Night, Sketchy, Storm, Jen and Strike all ran up to me and helped me out of the pool as the blood poured from my arm. My bone was sticking out, I could see it clearly. Blood was everywhere. Multiple ponies started calling 911. I heard ambulances in the distance.

I was crying, great. I yelled for help. The paramedics laid me on a trolley and loaded me into the back of the ambulance. They gave me a shot, I cried and screamed in pain..

My vision was starting to go blurry from the blood loss. "I.. Uhh." I tried to speak. Nothing was coming out. My eye lids got heavier and heavier. I heard the ambulance become closer to the hospital, my eyes shut. I passed out.

I woke up about 6 hours after.. I looked around to see I was hooked up to a blood pumper or what ever they were.. I shivered. Blood, it freaked me out. I looked to my sides and saw a group of ponies staring at me.

They ran to me, I began to recognize the faces. "Stitch!" Yelled Jen. "We're so happy to see you!" Cheered Starry. "Are you alright" asked Night. "Of course she's alright. She's alive" stated Sketchy.

"I'm so sorry Stitch.. It's my fault." Mumbled Starry.
"No, it's okay Star. It's not your fault" I replied.

A tear dropped down Starry's cheeks. She hated to see people hurt.. And I hated to see people sad. "Star.. It's okay." I gave a faint smile. She ran out, silently crying.

My friends left the room and said goodbye since visiting time was over. Since my dad and mom was away on a bussiness trip they couldn't see me yet.

I closed my eyes and slept the rest of the time I was there.

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