|Chapter 24| I love you too [end]

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Y/n is showing signs of it working they'll love me in no time. They'll cave  in so enough. I had let go of their hand and they, in their own, and grabbed my hand back. That's was a couple days ago. I feel comfortable letting them go outside, with supervision of course. But I think they're finally loving me back! I can't wait for when they start to give my affection back to me! We're ment for each other! If I live them then they must love me.

"Wilbur are you ok? Your just spacing out." I snap out of the trance I put myslef in.

"Oh yeah I'm fine."

"Oh ok well I'm hungry! Cook food for me please!" I smile at Y/n, they really seem to feel safe near me.

"Ok I'll start cooking, are porkchops fine?"  Y/n nods, I go to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.


I watch as Wilbur walks into the kitchen and starts to cook. I look forward to the TV. I don't know why, but It seems to be comforting? I should be scared of him but I don't? I want to leave, but also stay at the same time. Atleast the good part is that I'm slowly getting control in my body, I can walk on my own, and sometimes talk for myslef but that's if for now. It's also getting to the point to where I want to have that dream, and whenever I'm near Wilbur I blush like I genuinely like him. When I don't, or do I? He has been getting nicer, and sweeter, an- and he's becoming more obsessive over me and if I don't leave I'll probably never have a normal life again. What should I do? I need to leave so I can be happy, but everything on my body is telling me to stay.

"Y/n dinner almost done!" Wilbur yells out from the kitchen. Have I been thinking to myself for that long? But I need to make my decision soon, if I stay I can have someone protect me, and love me, and- no, he killed people, Y/n you need to remember that! But he did it all for you..No, Y/n you need to leave its the only option you have right now. But we could also stay and have a romantic relationship with Wilbur soon. No, no, no, Y/n that's not you that's not you talking you want to leave you need to leave. I look back to Wilbur. He's not in eye sight. I get up and walk towards the door. But I stopped myself. I insisted look out the window next to the door. "Whatcha thinking about?" Wilbur asks me out of no where. I jump a bit and look to him.

"Just thinking about what my parents are up too." I reply, it being me.

"Why are you caring for them! They threw you out of your house for no reason?!"

"Hey its fine. I can still wonder can't I?" Other me responds.

"I guess your right." Wilbur pauses "well dinners done you want to eat?"

"Please I'm starving!" I walk to the kitchen to eat my food. It's one of the first times I am eating at a table again. I kinda miss him feeding me though- wait no I don't wait am I thinking?

~Time skip after they ate.~

Me and Wilbur both finished our food and put our plates and utensils in the sink.

"Hey Wilbur?"


"Uhm I've been uhm wanting to tell you something.." other me says, no     Y/n stop right now. "I uhm think I might like you..." Y/n no! What did you just say to him?! Now he'll never leave us alone now! We can't leave now either!

Shut up Y/n it's for the better. W-what? That's not me. Y/n it's for the best I promise. Who even are you?

"Y/n..?" Wilbur snaps his fingers in my face, I snap back into reality.

"W-wha?" I pause. "What happened?"

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