|Chapter 19| you'll love me!

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A door slams close making me wake up. Wilbur walked towards me very mad but instantly calmed down when he saw me.

"Sorry did I wake you? I'm just mad at something that's all!" I notice the splash of red on him.

"D-Did you k-kill someone?" My voice quivers.

"Yes I did they knocked on my door and asked about you. And they wouldn't leave."

"W-who was it?" My voice still shaking.

"Just a nobody he probably was a stalker of yours," he pauses, I have stalkers?! "Oh you probably didn't know that...well now you do." He smiles. "Well one less now."

"H-how could you!?"

"He wanted to get inbetween our love darling. I had to." His last sentence was brought out coldly. The rest loving. You remember that bear I got you for Christmas!" I nod. "Well I'll give him to you and the next time you wake you'll be able to move! If you behave that is." He sighs. "I didn't want to have to resort to this you know."

"What do you mean by that! If you didn't want to do this then why did you?"

"Because I had to show you how much I love you Y/n! How many times am I going to have to tell you?" I stay slicent, he sighs again. "Y/n I know This'll take a bit, but you will love me, probably not as much as I do but you will still love me!" He smiles, this time it's full of a sick kind of what he calls love.

"I will never love you." I say sharply. His smiles fades leaving a cold look.

"What did you say to me?" He asks, it sent shivers down my spine.

"I-I said," I pause for a bit Wilbur still looking at me. "I said that I will never love you." Wilbur laughs. Why is he laughing? He gets up from his chair still laughing, he leaves the whole house is filled with him laughing maniacally. It soon calms down once he ope s the door again, he walks towards me with a sharp knife in hand. He doesn't think twice before stabbing me in my thigh. He covers my mouth again so my scream couldn't be heard by anyone that could be near. My vision gets distorted by my saltly tears.

"Look what you made me do Y/n! You made me hurt you!" His eyes shift from emptiness to a hurt feeling to them. "Hold on let me try and get this out." He looks around for something, when he fails he rips his sleeve from his shirt. He firmly grabs the knife, "Ok please try not to scream, this will hurt a lot ok?" He tugs the knife but it didn't move, the pain could be felt though. I pulls it out with another firm tug and quickly wraps his sleeve around my thigh to compress the blood from escaping my body. I look down at the cloth, it began to turn a light pink, then to a bright red. I breath through my teeth.

"Fuck," I say to myslef.

"I'm sorry again just listen to me ok?" He lifts my head up to face him. He gave a sweet smile. Did he mean to do that? Or did he not? A knock from the front door could be heard, before I could do anything tape was placed on my mouth. "I'll be right there!" Wilbur calls out. "Don't try anything ok? Love you." He kisses me on my forehand again and went upstairs. The only thing I could hear was muffled talking of Wilbur and someone else that sound familiar. The door softly closes and two pairs of footsteps make there way to the basement. Wilbur walks in leaving the other person at the door. "Well I have some company so please respect him." Just then the person walked in. "You could have just teleported here you know."

"I know but I'm out of the energy right  now." The person looks to my direction, and waves to me?

"Well here they are awake and not running away. Why did you even come here?"

"Well Wilbur I just wanted to see your catch. They ok I guess."

"Hey shut up they're beautiful/handsome (which ever you prefer), they're perfect!"

"What ever you say Romeo." Why was this person not helping me? And catch? I'm not no catch!

"Why you did the same thing with Geroge so shut up." So he's like Wilbur. But why? Why would someone do this to someone they love? That's going to make there crush hate them? Don't they know that?

"Ok fine you got me but I have something that you might need." He hands Wilbur a soda can?

"What will this do for me?" The guy sighs and whispers something in Wilbur's ear. "Ohh ok thank you."

"Well thats all I'm here for bye Wilbur and Y/n." He says before disappearing.

"Well imma make you something your probably very hungry and thristy are you not?" I nod my head. "Good I'll make lunch you wait here ok?" He walks back upstairs. I take this as a time to start trying to escape. I could get my hands free by shifting them around and loosen the tape. And then I could untie the restraints from my legs and then I would have to find a way out of the basement with out getting caught. Or another idea, I use him to my advantage. I could pretend that I get feeling for him then slowly be able to be free then just leave. No thats to long of a process. "Food's done!" Wilbur comes down with a plate of food, with a glass of water. He puts the water down he starts to baby feed me again. It was two slices of pizza that he had given to me, it was f/f (favorite favor) which I eat because it's the best type of pizza I couldn't not eat it. I finished and Wilbur reached for the glass with a grin I didn't notice. "Here!"

"I'm not thirsty I'm fin-" I was interrupted but Wilbur tilting my head backwards slightly and giving me some water.

"I didn't ask if you wanted it, now drink up!" He pour more to where I had the swallow or I would choke. He continued to do this until it was gone. "Good." He said in a creepy voice. My vision gets hazy, Wilbur seems to have known that and gently looked at me. "Sorry I had to do this but it'll help our love grow towards each other! I just need you to love me back." My eyelids are heavy, like weights were laid on them forcing them to close. I didn't want to be here anymore, I just wanted to be home. That's all I wanted! But no I'm here being forced to love someone. Wilbur smiles, it was a sick and twisted smile. I hated it, but I soon fell asleep.


so Wilbur didn't just give Y/n a normal sleeping drug, whatever he gave them helped dream with Geroge so yeah. Uhm imma just write all night because imma try to pull an all nighter. But Wilbur be trying hard to get Y/n to love him back lol see you in the next  chapter! Bye~!

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