|Chapter 4| two Simps

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I walk upstairs to my room, sluggishly. 

"My sleep schedule is so bad." I stated, because I've already fell asleep twice today, and I'm still tired! But it's fine I'm used to it, from switching jobs and changing my sleep schedule, so I should be used to it by now. I got into my work clothes, which I have spare of. I placed my pronoun pin on and went to get in my car to leave. I had everything I needed. I thought I saw someone watching me but, no one was there. I got in my car and started it up to leave. It was still kinda dark out, and luckily I won't be late this time around. On my way to work it's the usual view of a forest. And when I get there I do the usual, sign in, get some coffee, and start my shift. And the usual customers come like they always do every week. Then the line was empty, I look down to my watch, 8:30 a.m.

"just two and a half hours left." I sighed. Work was normalish, I just felt like someone was watching me the whole time, and it sent shivers down my spine. Why am I always feeling someone watching me? It's just a coincidence...right? It felt forever until someone was in my lane, footsteps walked towards the conver belt and the person placed their items on it, I started scanning, and bagging. When I was done I looked up and saw, Wilbur? Why's he here? Didn't he got everything he needed? I was confused and it showed.

"O-oh I just forgot somethings." He told me. Oh that's fine everyone forgets stuff. Afterall were not perfect. He scanned his card to pay and he left. It was weird though. How could he have forgotten that much stuff? It was like 3 bags worth. Weird. I look on my watch, 10:50 a.m. only ten minutes left. I sigh. Can't wait to get home, I'll probably go and some lunch after this. My pocket vibrates. I dismiss the alarm and went to sign out of work for today. I walked out of the. Break room and went straight towards my car, and still even on my way out of the building. I just was being watched wasn't I? Non of this makes any since. I reach my car, I put the key in the engine, and a low car Hum rang through the air. Which was interrupted by, you guess it James.


"What do you want I'm trying to leave again." I look at him coldly.

"Well maybe we can hang out today? I'll buy dinner." I groaned he knows if he offers free food I can't stay no.

"Fine. I'll come. Only for food."

"Ok beautiful~." God I've told him not to call me that! I don't feel comfortable with that label. He backed up from my car so I could leave. I put up my window so I couldn't have to deal with him for a bit, until dinner that is. On my way I feel alone, like it's doesn't feel like someone's watching me anymore. It's feels nice. I get into my drive-way when my phone dings

James from work :/



So what time sounds good?

Uhm I guess 7ish



Great there go most of my plans! I didn't want to go but no! I just had to accept just for food. It's free though, it's fine. It's just dinner, nothing more and nothing less. I didn't even want to go, but food! Anyways I finally get out of my car and walk into my house. It wasn't locked? I must have forgotten to lock it then. I walk in and some stuff had fallen to the ground. Weird. I just guessed I made mess when I ran out of my house. I wanted to go out to eat, but now I have to go on a 'date' with James. I went to my living room to watch TV.

POV Wilbur/Simpbur

Ok ok ok. I'm here I broke in earlier and put some tiny cameras to watch and see what their routine is. And now they're in the house! I need to calm down. I just wanted to see them at all times of the day. I'm in their kitchen right now, it's a miracle that they didn't see me when they walked in. But I have no idea how to get out unnoticed. The only reason I came here was to put some cameras up. I had to leave quickly after I checked out some random items at the store that Y/n works at.

"Ugh why me. Why James why!" Y/n whines? Why were they complaining about that guy? "I don't wanna go to this stupid date."

"What?!" I said out loud. Shit.

"H-hello?" Y/n voice shakes. I need to get somewhere I can't stay here. I quickly ran quietly out of the kitchen, into the dining room, and upstairs into a bedroom, most likely Y/n's.

"Ok Wilbur what to do, what to do." I then realized what I was doing. I'm doing it again aren't I? God Dammit Wilbur you can't keep doing this! I hear footsteps walking around downstairs. They soon came to a stop. I looked around the room to see a window to my right. Maybe I can use this to get out of here. I opened it and climb out. "How am I supposed to close this now?" I just shrugged it off. And jumped down. "Shit!" I didn't realized how far the drop was. I braced for impact, which I thinked helped. I was in pain but nothing major. There was another window that lead into the living room where Y/n was. I looked in, they looked frightend, and not from what they were watching.

"Y/n calm down it was your show that said that it had to be." A muffled reassuring Y/n spoke. I needed to go like right now. I tried to move but couldn't?

"Come on Wilbur we really need to go." I told myslef. But no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't. And what was worse is that the more time I spend time, or even look at Y/n the more I become attached, and the more attached I get the more, obsessed I get. But it wasn't my fault they are so perfect. And wonderful. And amazing. And-. I stop my rambling in my head. My cheeks were a bright red and my nose started to bleed. No no no no no. I moved away from the window and ran to my house. I can't let this happen again. I just need to stay in control.


hey guys! How are you enjoying the story so far, and if you want me to explain some stuff I will do a little q&a if I get questions that is lol. And that's all for now! Bye~!

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