|Chapter 8| at Wilbur's

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I drive towards my house with Y/n in the passenger seat. Just the thought of them being in my house makes my heart flatters.

"You ok Wilbur? You've been awfully quiet the while ride."

"O-oh yeah I'm fine. Just don't know my way to my house from yours." I give a small smile. I was lying again. I just could say, 'yeah I've been stalking you and put cameras in your house and been making sure your safe everyday bluey bluh bluh.' If I did they would not like me anymore, worse they'd hate me. We continue to my house and I can see it in the distance.

"You seem to like privacy with your house being so far out."

"No, no it's just because I- nevermine your right." I let out a sigh of defeat, while Y/n laughs. We pull into my drive way, and turn off my car. "We're here." I open my car door and made my way towards my front door, Y/n was already there waiting for me.

"Hurry and open the door! Your so slooowwww!" Y/n drags out. I giggle. I unlock the door, when I door Y/n ran past me and into my house. They must be excited. I enter my house and close the door behide me. My house is so messy. Y/n found my room rather quickly. Because they weren't in any other of the rooms. "Wilbur hurry up!" I heard Y/n yell from my room. I go up to my room to see Y/n was waiting very impatiently to hear me play.

"I'm here," I pick up my guitar from the corner of my room. And sat on the bed next to Y/n. "Any songs in mind?"

"Hmm, nope non really...have you made any songs?!" I laugh.

"Yes I have pick through one of these." I hand Y/n a list of 27 songs all of which are songs I made.

"God this is a lot. Uhm maybe..ooh play Your new boyfriend!" I tisk.

"Maybe a different one?"

"What you don't like that one?"

"Yeah uhm pick a different one please." Y/n gives a confused face and looks back to the list.

"Uh what about Jubilee Line?" I freeze. I didn't think I had that song on there. Oh well I get my Guitar in the right position, I strum the guitar strings to make the melody. After a bit I started to sing it. Me and Y/n were to be swaying with the music. It was peaceful. Like all that existed at that point was me, Y/n, and this song. But then the song stopped. I opened my eyes, I must have closed them mid song. Y/n was leaning on my shoulder, their eyes closed.

"Y/n..?" I ask half expecting no answer.

"Mhmm?" They look up from their state, tired.

"Did you get any sleep last night?"

"No- I woke up like 3 hours after going to bed! You were also awake Wil-." Y/n was interrupted by a yawn. "I'm tired Wil, I'm just gonna sleep here." Y/n slowly lays down on my lap.

"I- do you not have work tomorrow?"

"Shush I'll worry about later. In the *yawn* meantime keep playing songs I don't care which ones, just the instrumental version of them please." I sit there with Y/n on my lap, thinking of a song.

"What about I'm in love with an e-girl?"

"Sure whatever, just as long you don't love the girl more than me." What? I shake it of, I probably heard them wrong I had to.

Now playing I'm in love with an e-girl instrumental

I play the song, and just like when I played Jubilee Line the world seemed to run off of me and Y/n for that four minutes of the song, Soon after I finished that song Y/n's breathing was steady, they were calm. I carefully moved myslef away from them so they could sleep. I didn't want to but I have something else to do right now. I have a little pest I need to get rid of. And that pests name is James.


here another chapter for the day...maybe look forward to another one...somebody needs to stop me lol, also my great grandma told me I should publish this books in like book stores .-. Uhm no I don't think she understands wattpad at all lol anyway Bye~!

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