Chapter 2: Cringe

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"Bye Mom

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"Bye Mom. Bye Dad." I grabbed an apple and dashed out before kissing my mom's cheeks. Augustus and Bennet were already waiting for me. Generally Augustus drives us both to school.

Today is the first day of Senior High and everybody will be present early today. Augustus had a Bugatti Divo and I loved the car.

"Ssup boys?!" I grinned at them.

"Dude, I am so pumped. This is Senior year babies... Here I come." Bennet screamed winking and waving at the imaginary fan girls he has. Not gonna lie, we three have a lot of girls falling for us. But I have my eyes on someone.

Augustus was way too quiet this whole time. "You okay, A?"

"Yup! Why wouldn't I be?", he grinned back but I knew he was hiding something. Probably his brothers said something or like that.

"Will Andrew meet us there?"

"Yes, he left early to suck some faces.", he laughed without taking his eyes off the road.

"Damn! You and all your brothers are so graced with good looks, man! If you had a sister, I would definitely be after her." Bennet laughed, earning a chuckle from me. I turned to Augustus waiting for his reply but I saw him tensed and griping the wheels so hard that his knuckles had turned white. Weird.

There was an awkward silence and after some time the car stopped.

"We are here, boys!" Augustus smirked, turning back to his usual self and putting his sunglasses on. We all did the same and talked out of the car together.

All heads turned to us. We spotted our basketball team hurdling in front of Jackson's car.

We greeted each other and continued with their conversation while checking out different girls and calling dibs on them.

"Captain! Why don't you pick someone? Stacey is dying to be with you, man. And let me tell you this, SHE IS HOT", Jackson, the jerk piped. I mentally cringed at the mention of Stacey.

"No, not interested.", I replied bluntly.

Stacey is a plastic Barbie dumb person with an apparently good body. She literally sleeps around with everyone. She has been after me for years now and I am running out of ways to politely turn her down. I don't generally like to be rude to nice people but she isn't one. I will probably slap her if she invades my personal space again. Last time, I literally ran for my life.

"Don't tell me you are still stuck with your angel? Whom you have never spoken to?", he let out a loud sarcastic laugh and the others joined in except for Augustus and Bennet.

My head snapped to him and I glared at him.

"Shut up, Jackson if you know what's good for you."

Yes, he was right. I am in love with a girl I have never spoken to. Call me hopeless romantic or an idiotic asshole who lacks courage buy I see her almost every week yet I never approached her. I am scared. Shit scared. She is an amazing girl and she has done something which no one could do. Not even me. And I fell for her. Hard. She doesn't even know I exist. Call me pathetic.

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