Chapter 11; Shenanigans

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TW: Homosexuality /j, Fluff! (not with the minors!!), Cursing, Mentions of Past Suicide Attempt

After we watched the movie we went to sleep since I shared a room with Sapnap we both walked to the room he needed me to stabilize him. He was tired, he looked so cute. I plant a small kiss on his forehead and then we slide into bed. He looks so cute, I get a notification from the contact dream.

Dream: Hey Karl can you check on Ranboo and Tommy, I could've sworn they laughed so hard they passed out, I could hear it from my room

You: Yeah sure I think I heard them too

I slowly get out of Sapnap's grip so I don't wake him. I walk out of the room and creak the two boys door open "You two okay in there?" I hear faint laughing, I couldn't help but smile a bit "Yeah were fine!" I hear a British voice call out. "I never knew I would laugh at toothpaste ontop of a mountain though." Ranboo laughs even more "These are not life hacks Tommy." I want to see what they are talking about so I walked over they were watching a video labeled "Life hacks your sure to use" This seems interesting "Can I watch with you two I have not laughed that hard ever in my life." They both nod. I start laughing immediately at the guy getting hit by a frying pan. "DUDE WHY IS THIS SO VIOLENT THIS IS THE 5TH TIME SOMEBODY HAS GOTTEN HIT BY A FRYING PAN." we all start giggling. I haven't felt this surreal in so long. The guy then starts putting oil on the floor. You can tell the guy who's trying to hit the other guy over the head with  frying pan will slip but we all still laugh at it. After about 2 hours of watching those types of videos we all agree its time to sleep. I didn't even notice they were wearing matching dinosaur onesies. "Where did you even get those?" they look at each other and start wheezing. "Sorry it's just apparently we had the same one and when Ranboo walked in I was walking out and we just started laughing because we were both wearing the same thing." I giggle "You will laugh at anything won't you." He shrugs. "Pretty much, watch this." he then takes a blanket and puts it over Ranboo's head they both start laughing so hard, I couldn't help but also laugh at that. "Guys we are supposed to be going to bed." they both put a shocked face on "We totally forgot, hurry go Karl, Sapy Napy is waiting for you." They both start giggling I just roll my eyes at them and walk out of the room, turns out they were somehow right he was sitting on the bed staring at the door. "There is my Karl! I want cuddles hurry!" I quickly shuffle over to him and we quickly doze off.

Time skip to day because I missed 2 hours of mcc yesterday :(


I wake up with my throat hurting from how much I laughed last night. "Ranboo go get me water please." He grumbles "Get it yourself nerd." Then he turns the other way. I sigh and get up to grab water from the kitchen, to my surprise Sapnap and Karl are already awake "What are you two doing up already?" Karl looks like he's falling asleep on Sapnap's shoulder, guess I shot him back into reality when I said that because he jumped. "Sorry it's really boring waiting for people to wake up. I just shrug and get a cup to fill it up "What're you doing Tommy?" I hear Sapnap's morning voice "Your morning voice is so gross you know that?" Karl looks shocked "What do you mean it's so cute!" I stick out my tongue and fill the cup up with water. I run back to my room "HEY TOMMY YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION." I stop and walk back to them "I'm going to kick Ranboo in the nuts bye." That got a laugh out of them. Of course they knew I wasn't actually going to do it. I walk back into the room and Ranboo is still sleeping. "Wake up princess." He grumbles at me "Your so mean to me." He gets up and takes the cup out of my hand "Have you sipped out of this yet?" I stare at him confused "No- " He takes a big sip out of the cup "THAT WAS MY WATER DICKHEAD!" He laughs at me and walks out of the room I follow him. Once we get to the bigger area I jump on him. He trips and the water is spilled all over us we just laugh "I told you it was my water." Then I stick out my tongue. I get up "NOOOOOOO, you bitch my onesie is wet now." Then I flip him off. "That's what you get for jumping on me loser." He gets up and gives the cup to  me. "Here is your water." he says with a smug grin on his face "Asshole" he looks offended "How could you?" I gasp "It's all light-hearted jackass!" We both start laughing and soon Sapnap and Karl join in on the giggles. Sapnap and Karl walk over "We were planning on going to the park you guys can come if you change quickly me and Ranboo look at each other and sprint to the room on the way there we discuss who changes in the bathroom and who changes in the room. I got the room to change in I wore a plain pink t-shirt with yellow shorts and Ranboo is wearing a red hoodie with tan khakis. "I wasn't expecting you guys to change that quickly-" Were both out of breath "Yeah and we swam in the Atlantic ocean." Karl and Sapnap both giggle "I can tell you guys are out of breath." Me and Ranboo high-five each other before we go out. I don't know why but we did. We decided we were gonna walk to the park because it was a nice day out, totally forgetting about the incident that happened yesterday we see the cliff.


I was fine until I saw the cliff, I forgot and now it will haunt me forever. "Hey Ranboo we can go back if we need to." Karl says with a sweet grin "No, no it's fine I promise I'm just glad I didn't die." I felt bad bringing the memory back up but they kind of brought it up for me. "Sorry" I thought it came from Sapnap but it could've been Tommy that said sorry. I couldn't really tell "It's okay." I smile sweetly, We walk over to the park me and Tommy ran towards the swings Sapnap and Karl just walked towards them. We just started talking about things. After about 3 hours we knew all about each other, and decided to go home since it was getting later in the day and the rest of the members are probably getting worried about where we are. So me and tommy had a race to who could get back to the house first. We had an exact tie. "ARE YOU GUYS OKAY WERE YOU RUNNING FROM SOMETHING?" Tommy and I start laughing "Don't worry Wil we just had a race back from the park." He lets out a sigh of relief. "Dude are you okay?" Sapnap asks as he walks into the house with Karl. He nods. "Tommy, Ranboo I hung up your onesies because I noticed they were both wet- Wait what were you two even doing?" Tommy, Sapnap, Karl, and I start laughing. "Uhm cup incident." That just makes us laugh even more.  "Okay, well they are dry now." Tommy starts jumping around. "LETS FUCKING GO." Tommy stops jumping, that made everyone laugh. Tommy and I run to go get our soft onesies. "WANNA JOIN THE JACKBOX STREAM LATER?" I hear Sapnap shout out to us "SURE!" Both Tommy and I say almost in sync.

Word Count:1388

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I have not updated in a while, my mental health hasn't been that great recently. I hope you like this chapter though!

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