Chapter 6; The blonde boy

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TW: Cursing, Emotional Abuse/Bullying, Harm, Blood

I just met a nice boy named Ranboo. I'd like to get close to him and have a good friendship! Maybe even Tubbo could be apart of it too. I see Ranboo in the distance walking toward me. "Hey Tommy!" He waves, I wave back at him. "You still up for game night with me, Wil, Phil, and Techno?" He nods I see Tubbo and wave at him, he runs towards us. Ranboo looks dumbfounded as he looks at Tubbo, Tubbo also looks dumbfounded. "Toby?" Tubbo grins "This will be fun huh Ranboo." Ranboo gulps. "I-I guess..." Tubbo turns to me. "Your hanging out with my ex-best friend Toms." I'm so confused. "What'd he do to make you guys not friends anymore?" Tubbo sighs "Well actually it was his dumb brother George. He said I did things I didn't." Ranboo looks offended. "George would never do such a thing, your crazy Tubbo." I shake my head. "Is this gonna be a problem or..?" Tubbo giggles "Not at all Toms not at all." Ranboo looks sad. What happened between them. "So Ranboo, I thought I told to eat more y'know so your not so skinny. I also told you I never wanted to see you or your ugly face ever again." Ranboo's eyebrows furrowed. "I'm sorry." Tubbo smacks him. "Sorry isn't enough." What else is he supposed to say geez this is not the Tubbo I know. "Tubbo stop he did nothing wrong, you can clearly tell he's sorry." Tubbo got angry, I mean angry angry. As soon as we were back in the room


Tubbo punches Ranboo's ribcage, in result there was a crack. Tubbo then knocked him to the ground and kicked him. Ranboo was totally knocked out. When he did get knocked out Tubbo skipped away like nothing happened. I picked up Ranboo and put him in my lap. I yelled George's name and he came running.


 "Tommy what's wrong?" I breathe "It's Ranboo he's uhm, well he's been knocked out." George sat down next to us "This has happened before." I shook my head how could a kind person like Ranboo be purposely hurt? "Who did this to him Tommy?" I felt crazy saying this "Tubbo." George looks at me wide-eyed. "But Tubbo is so sweet." (Only Ranboo knew that Toby was the same person as Tubbo) I sighed "I know right. I never thought he would do something like this. Is this even the same Tubbo?" George sighs and picks up Ranboo "Will you lead me to your room Tommy?" I nodded and started on the way. When we got to the room George put Ranboo on the bed and got a wet towel, he wiped the blood off Ranboo's face. Then he changed Ranboo's shirt and tucked him in the bed. "Tommy I don't have the time right now but can you stay with Ranboo until he wakes up?" I nod and sit on the bed next to him, watching a dumb Youtube video. Ranboo sat up "Tommy?" I look over to him "Hm?" he rubs his eyes "What happened?" I turn off my phone and say, "Tubbo knocked you out." he didn't look surprised. "Sorry if this is like too personal but, what happened between you and Tubbo?" Ranboo sighed "Well in 3rd grade he sat next to me by a tree and asked to be friends, I was lonely so I said yes. He ended up being my personal bully. Saying stuff about my weight, facial dysmorphia, and more. He was not nice to me." I sit there and let that soak in. Is Tubbo who he says he is? Should I trust him? "Tommy?" I look at him "Yeah." He fidgeted with his fingers "Would you do that to me?" I sigh "What does that mean." He stares at his hands "You know, uh bully me?" I hug him "Of course not Ranboo, I'm not like that." Wilbur walks in "Didn't you tell us that game night was starting at 5, then you didn't show up." I stop hugging Ranboo "Wilbur, Ranboo just got knocked out by Tubbo I would be there if I could." Wilbur gasps "Your lying right?" I get off the bed and walk over to him "I'm not lying Wilbur, I know this doesn't seem like Tubbo but it's true. Ask Ranboo, ask George. Tubbo did it." Wilbur sighed and went to tell everyone game night was cancelled. "Sorry Ranboo, Wilbur is annoying like that. Wanna watch tv?" He nods. I help him up and we walk to the couch to sit down. Then Ranboo turns on Stranger Things.

Word Count:818

A/N: Hey guys Tubbo got angry and stuff but anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter I think I'll add another chapter either later today or tomorrow. Bye gummies!!  :]

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