Chapter 4; Toby?

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We arrived at George's house and he showed me to the guest room. It was a quite large area with a bed in the corner and a walk-in closet. (That's where GNF lives in the closet /j) I put my things in the room and lay on the bed. It was quite comfortable. Then Mandy, George's mom, called us down for lunch since we got checked out of school early. It was a chef salad with a baguette. It was probably the best meal I had ever eaten. I thanked them got in my pajamas and went to sleep. I actually got a decent amount of sleep. I woke up and got ready for school. I didn't have my mask or glasses because my mom packed my bags, but it would've been nice if she did. I walk downstairs and there is a steaming plate of waffles on the counter waiting for me. I say thank you to Mandy and ate the amazing waffles. Me and George walked to school and we sat under the same tree I did on the first day. I see Toby walk up to us. "Hey Ranboo? They actually let you stay at their house?" He and his other friend started laughing. George glared at them, if looks could kill they would be dead. Finally George spoke up "Why don't you leave Ranboo alone he's probably been through more than your little brain can comprehend." They stopped laughing and ran off. "Thank you George." George grins and ruffles my hair. "I always got your back, your like my brother now!" He says the smile still on his face. He thinks of me as a brother? I smile, the bell rings and we walk to class. "Hey Ranboo!" The teacher says. "Morning!" I say back to her. You could say I'm in a good mood this morning, because I didn't hate math today. Maybe because it was easy who knows. After the whole Era of Ancient Mesopotamia happened it was finally lunch. George's mom packed me a lunch so I just went to sit by George. Then the worst possible thing happened, Toby and his friends sat by us. "Hey nerd where is the mask and glasses you looked better with them." They all start laughing, it looked like George was about to punch them each with a customized swing. "Fun fact number: your all dumb, did you know Ranboo has facial dysmorphia??" They all shut up. "What's that?" Toby asks. "It's when someone has a warped perception of their face." They all shut up including Toby. "Well that's shit but it isn't affecting me so I don't really care." Toby says. They all nod in agreement. The only thing stopping George from knocking them all out is that he could get expelled. He's got perfect grades, good student, and is never rude. This was out of the ordinary for George. Toby looks at Ranboo and says "You look too skinny like a twig I could just snap in half." The group laughs except for me and George. "I'll snap you in half when I get the chance little boy." Toby laughs "Like you could bitch." I was getting curios so I asked "Toby, why do you swear so much?" Toby looks at me "Because my parents don't care, and it seems like neither do yours." George runs out of the cafeteria to the principals office. I look confused as I sit then eating the rest of my sandwich. George comes back with a raged principal. "Toby Smith to my office NOW." The groups shut up for the rest of lunch and a few people would say something about me ever so often. The words hurt me but I didn't show it. I felt safer with George, he stands up for me because I can't stand up for myself. Everyone at the table was staring at me the whole time. I was so nervous. Finally lunch ended and I went to the last classes of the day. I met with George by the gate and we walked back home. Home somewhere that you're safe in I was finally safe.

Word Count:764

A/N: My friend wanted another chapter so this is kinda a quick little thing to add more storyline. Some longer chapters will be soon and I think I'm gonna figure out how to time skip to when they are 17. When he joins the SMP but I kinda wanna add more so don't expect anything yet. Bye guys!!

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