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Well not only others crush on Andrea. Andrea crushed on people too. Let's have a look at the ones we might recognise.

Byun Baekhyun

Byun Baekhyun

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Since when?- 2016
How much?-90%
(Till now?)- Yes.
Does he know about it?- Yes.

Girl is the bigged Baekhyun fangirl. She has been crushing on him for ages, and he finds it adorable. Ofcourse they can't be a thing because of the vast age difference, but it's still adorable. He is her ultimate bias too. She gets all shy and giggly around him. He, ofcourse knew about her crush and deliberately flusters her here and there. Sehun doesn't help the situation either.
But anyways, it's just small adorable celebrity crush. She isn't very serious about it.

Kim Doyoung

Since when?- 2017

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Since when?- 2017

How much?-89-94%
(Till now?)- No.
Does he know about it?- Yes :(

Things didn't turn out okay in this crush. Honestly, if you didn't guess already, Chaerin has a thing for older guys💀She had this major crush on Doyoung. But ofcourse he didn't have the same feelings for her as well as she was just 14 while he was practically 7 years older than her. Ofcourse he liked her but just not the same way as she did. Doyoung being Doyoung ofcourse didn't push her away and politely made her understand. She didn't mind either as she decided to focus on her career and move on.

Choi Soobin

Choi Soobin

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Since When?- 2019-2019 (lol)
How much?- 68%
(Till now)- absolutely not
Does he know about it?- no.

Honestly, if they confessed to each other, they would've been THE IT thing. But sadly both of them were not really meant to be in a romantic relationship. They are thriving with their friendship and have an unbreakable and promising love for each other that they would rather keep than end things bitter from being in a relationship.

Lee Felix

Since when?- 2019

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Since when?- 2019

How much?- 100%
(Till now?)- ofcourse
Does he know?- duhh

I- what are you waiting for me to write? Ya'll know already.


Don't come at chae for crushing on people- it's natural at her age. :)

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