Chapter 4

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Here's the good thing about being dead: I don't need to come up for air; my lungs are dead. And yet, I've never felt more alive, even when I was human.

He doesn't reject me, is that a good sign?

I want - his scar - to burn! Let this moment to be eternal.

Let me become his new obsession.

His lips tremble against mine; bubbles escape from his nostrils. Apnea doesn't seem to be your thing. The lake test is over for you, my Chosen One.

The vocals end and his head rises to the surface. He coughs, but I'm not sure if he does it on purpose.

There's a silence. I can't clearly see his eyes through the water droplets on his glasses. But they look like they want to commit suicide, making him look more than a little bewildered. 

Myrtle has just one wish: that her lungs come back to life so that she can drown them in the water.

For the first time, I wish I could die again.

He places the egg on the marble and finally articulates:

"Myrtle. What just happened is... it's unbelievable! I felt your lips on mine, as if it was real!"

Myrtle's cheeks turn warm and red, again.

"What spell did you use? You're such an extraordinary witch". He's in awe.

"I didn't use any spell, Harry. I guess the magic of my feelings just came out".

The words struggle to get out of my mouth.

"Harry, I think I... I lo... "

"I absolutely must tell that to Dumbledore! Only a great wizard could explain what has just happened". He interrupts me, excited as a kid.

He turns around, leaps out of the water and gets dressed. I feel Petrificus Totalus and don't even think about admiring his behind. Well congratulations Myrtle, you've just missed the opportunity of a lifetime. You'll never know what the Chosen One's butt looks like.

Harry grabs his egg, and before leaving the room, says to me:

"Myrtle, thanks to you I have a precious clue for the next task. And what's more, I've just made a stupefying discovery: I believe that ghosts are able to regain a certain humanity with the help of their souls, or by the strength of their ghostly spirit...or something like that. Or maybe you're not totally dead, who knows? No matter what, I must talk to Dumbledore!".

He rushes to the exit, even before I can be aware of what has just happened here.

"By the way Myrtle, thank you. I consider you a true friend now", he adds. The bubbles around make me feel dizzy. And seeing my reflection through them, I look more of a mess than I already am.

Guess my dream has finally come true. I feel like dying, once again.

Empty stare, empty Myrtle; my eyes can barely see him leaving my toilets.

My Harry.

My... friend?

Invisibles tears begin to run down my cheeks again.

And I'm still freezing.

Lost and lonely, in this spacious, empty bathroom.

What's the point of not having a heart, if I still feel like my chest is burning?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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