Chapter 1

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I am freezing.

Lost and lonely, in this spacious, empty bathroom.

What's the point of not having a heart, if I still feel like my chest is burning?

Today's the day before the second Triwizard Tournament task.

I miss him. It's been ages since he last shown up. When Cedric came to my place, he told me how Harry revealed to him that the first task was with dragons. That's why I suggested Cedric to give it back to him. Smart, isn't it? That's a good Ravenclaw huh?

Nothing about that surprises me.

My Harry.

A smile innately draws on my face when I realize my boy remains such kind and honest.

Ced' is a cute one too, but the very minute my glasses met those of his opponent, it was love at first sight. That was the instant I knew my life was going to be even more problematic.

No one loves Myrtle. No one understands Myrtle. In fact, no one tries to. My reputation is one of a frightening and evil girl. Is it because I pull a prank on boys taking a wee ? 

Well... we're just having a little fun here, isn't that bad ?

Let me remind you that I was CRUELLY murdered by two great big yellow eyes, over there near the sink, while I was just here, minding my own business.

This place is home. I always find myself here. Seems that I don't really have much choice, since the only one who makes me forget everything, is him.

The Chosen One.

If only I could touch him... 

If only a spell existed...

My dream has not even started and it has already stopped.

My transparent body appears in one of the large, dirty, stained-glass windows.

Myrtle's mouth twists as soon as she sees her ghostly reflection.

A mop of tangled hair with two pigtails, falling over my shoulders to below my chest; a mane long enough to tickle the tip of my breast. My fringe is too thick, but it gives my face a little softness, so I think it's a plus.

Round as beads and too thick for my liking, I remove my glasses and must confess that the outcome is strange; but I'd like to believe that I somewhat look less ugly without them on. Placing them back on my nose is the best option. Otherwise, my eyes won't be able to see a thing.

The mermaid above my head is stunning. All of a sudden, the sleeves of my dress slip off my shoulders, leaving me in just a tiny pair of pants. Harmonious curves appear in the stained-glass windows. My rebellious locks tickle my large bust. I shake the top of my silhouette to bring all my hair forward over my chest. This beautiful reflection makes me feel like I could've been a mermaid. In this moment, I have the physical qualities to look like her. Invisible tears run down my cheeks. My vision blurs and I suddenly feel nauseous about this bathroom full of sinks, full of stinks, full of all the silly things that students hide. Full of water that I furiously sent flying out of the toilet.

I rub my biceps and comfort myself with a hug, since no one else can do it for me. My breasts collide. Imaginary chills appear on my forearms and my thighs, and my left knee folds over to meet my right.

And now, I feel almost myself again.

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