62 ~ Chicken

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"Sooo I was thinking that some of us needed some more hand-to-hand combat tips, or weapon wielding tips. So if possible Tommy could you teach those willing to learn?

Nikki, your archery and sword skills are exquisite, and Schlatt your hand-to-hand and aim is spot on. Perhaps you could help Tommy?" Y/N asked, wondering whether the idea was bad or not.

"Of course I'd serve you big man! Your my Queen." Tommy confirmed that he would be involved in the idea.

"Y/N, I'm sure Schlatt and I would be glad to help outwith this idea, it would really would help the others." Nikki said softly, placing an arm on Y/N's shoulder.

"Thanks, while your doing this I'll make sure your houses are at the top of the list."

"If possible Y/N, could my house also be a flower shop and bakery. I'll help the boys design it so it won't be to hard."

"Of course Nikki." Y/N smiled. She had recently noticed how magical Nikki's hair looked in this angle of sunlight. The tulip colour glowed. Her hair had been down, escaping the space buns that they usually sat in. Her hair-ties were on her wrists now, sitting idly as if they were jewellery.

Her lab coat had been changed up a bit, it seems that Eret had practiced his sewing a bit. The once lab coat was now a stained apron.

Schlatt, who was beside her, had lost his lab coat. It was probably, knowing Schlatt, burnt in the ruins of one of their campfires. His cap had a few patches of mud, it was caking and dry and his hoodie looked a little wear and tear.

"What are you going to bake?" Y/N asked.

"Pastries, cakes, bread.. anything really."

"Sounds great Nikki! Can't wait to try them!" Nikki smiled, she can finally open a bakery.

Schlatt straightened his cap and started to walk off.

"I'm just gonna do my patrol." He announced as he walked off.


He ran as fast as he could. Tripping over the stray twig or root every now and then.

His chest was heaving, the mean people were coming.

He leaped and scrabbled over a fallen tree, landing on his hooved feet and continued to run.

He could hear them shouting orders behind him.

He dived under the roots of a tree, panicking when one of his tusks got caught momentarily.

He watched the mean ones run by him, with their controlled red eyes and vines.

He got out from under the tree and ran in the opposite direction the went. Turning towards the mountains when he reached a large Boulder.

After running for most of the day he found rest underneath beneath the leaves of a large oak.

He propped himself up against the tree, catching his breath when he heard odd noises nearby.

They weren't threatening like those people. It was quite soft noises, yet odd. He followed them to see a white feathered being.

A chicken.

Out here?

That's odd, yet gladly accepted.

He picked up the chicken and headed back over to his tree, tucking himself safely underneath the roots, which was quite easy to do considering his small size.

Night came, and he was awoken by loud noises.

The people were here.

They surrounded the tree. One was barking orders to aim and he started counting down. And all he could do was watch

It reached one and he shut his eyes tight and hugged his chicken. When nothing happened for a while he opened them, and then he thought he had died.

He was now staring at a man with charcoal hair which ends flickered with flame. He was dressed in black and white and had two angel wings on his back, burning like fire.

The people that once surrounded the tree were now charred bodies which served as the stages for the fire that danced on them.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you." The angel said. "I'm looking for a few friends, and I think you should join me."

The man was very nice, but he was sceptic about it. What if it was a trap, or trick?

"They are nice and in a safe place." The angel assured.

"O- ok.." he stuttered. Slowly he got out from his hiding spot, holding the chicken.

The angel flinched upon seeing him.

"Are you ok? Your not hurt are you." The angel crouched down to eye level and started brushing the twigs and leaves out of his pink fur. Staying cautious of his skeletal parts and rotting flesh.

"It's just how I am." He spoke, now less scared. His little tail twitched. And now you could see in the light of this angel, that his old institution clothing was messed up and ragged.

"I have two friends," he said, "I lost them, we split up while running."

The angel smiled empatheticly and stood up.

"We can look for them while looking for my friends." The angel smiled and held a hand out for him to hold as they started to walk away from this scene. The fires are now put out.

"The names Sapnap, what's yours?" The angel smiled at him.

"Micheal... my friends are Shroud and Friend. This is my chicken."

"Well we'll look for Shoud and Friend while we look for my group. I'll make sure of it."



I had exams and Christmas and my family caught covid (luckily we are all safe and ok) all PLUS writers block. Hopefully I'm back now though.

Sorry for that, The new techno streams were great! You should check those out.

Have a wonderful evening/morning and I'll see you all soon!

Words: 968

~A Perilous and Poisonous Escape~ [MYCT x F!Reader SCP Au]Where stories live. Discover now