Chapter 11: Family

Start from the beginning

"You will see, Zach. The people admire the princess dearly. There is no rule that woman can't lead." The queen said as he took a step forward to see Iriswaving her hands to the people from her window. 

"No... Sister will not do that. She knows my desires and she promised she'll never interfere —!" He spoke. The queen smirk, 'oh how naive' 

"Did you know? Your sister was once a commoner." Zach froze by those simple words. He didn't know, he didn't know that his sister is from common blood. 

"Your sister is not a real royal. You, who had royalty flowing in your veins must be the king." He clenched his fists, not wanting to be manipulated. 

"Then what about older brothers! —"

"They are useless." The queen muttered. Zach couldn't say a word as he watched how the queen gritted her teeth from irritation. She looks crazy while munching her nails. 

"Use...less?" He whispered. The queen stopped what she's doing and knelt down. She put both of her arms in Zach's arms and spoke to him, "you will be the king. I can help you with that, Zach." As if the queen manipulated him, he nodded in a daze. 

Iris's departure is today. He saw how Iris waved her hands and made her speech. He's convinced by the words the queen told him. He's a child who's easy to be manipulated.

Zach clenches his hands, "but she's still my big sister..." He whispered while he remembers the moments they always share. 

"Come back, sister. Alive. And please, save me." He silently hopes. He knows to himself that the Queen is manipulating him. He can't do anything freely as if his life is on the queen's plate, waiting for it to be eaten. 

He loves his sister very much, but the queen had someone who's backing her up. It was in a form of something of a shadow. He saw it both of his eyes. It was something evil.

Zach also has the ability and power to see divine beings. Iris's aura has the most powerful divine aura. Most likely, she can be a god or a goddess. But Iris didn't know that herself. Zach didn't tell others about his ability, because he knows that when the queen knows it, she will make sure he will use him again by her desires. One day, the day he's scared the most has come.

 The shadow who has an evil aura told the queen that Zach has the ability to see divine beings. In order for it to be erased, he needs to kill his family. As if bewitched again, he did what the queen wanted to do for him. He killed his father and his big brothers.

When Iris arrived, he felt content and peaceful in his heart. But that only lasted for 1 second when the queen ordered accuse of her as the witch. The people obliged as if they're also bewitched by the evil power she had. When Zach saw Iris kneeling in front of him, he wanted to break his own self from the manipulation spell the queen put onto him.

 He ordered some words that doesn't even make any sense. He told her some words that he didn't even mean it. He killed her. 

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