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Nekomaru wasn't pulling any of his punches, he was trying to severely hurt Hajime. luckily for him, Nekomaru hadn't been able to land a single punch. But he can't get cocky, one mistake and he'll be in big trouble. Fighting a man who's hellbent on killing you... you can't afford to make a mistake. A lot of blocking and evading, but he didn't see an opening. He had no choice, he had to throw a punch eventually, he might as well do it now. It landed and was strong enough to push Nekomaru a few steps back, Hajime was in control now. Punch after punch, Nekomaru couldn't evade or block them. Then the moment came where Hajime was able to knock Nekomaru down to the ground.

Akane: "...Hajime?" Akane seemed to be awake, but barely able to move. Her voice was so soft, but Hajime was still able to hear her. The moment he did, he turned his attention to her. Not the smartest thing to do while in the middle of a fight, but he was concerned. But he turned back towards Nekomaru pretty quickly, refusing to give Nekomaru a chance to jump him from behind.

Before Hajime could make his next move, he felt a slight dizziness hit him out of nowhere. He felt like he was about to pass out, the syringe Nagito used on him earlier is already taking effect. He could barely stand up straight, but this didn't make sense, it took a whole day for the syringe to affect Nagito, but it's only been a few minutes for Hajime.

Akane saw how he was acting and didn't know what was going on. She used a nearby table in order to get back on her feet, but she fell to her knees because of how much pain she was in. Her expression went from annoyed to terrified once she saw someone standing behind Hajime.

Hajime felt something go around his neck, but he wasn't fast enough to react when someone started to pull on the fabric around his neck. That fabric was a scarf, and he immediately recognized it, not only does Hajime have to deal with Nekomaru and the effects of the syringe that was injected into him earlier, but now he has to deal with Gundham too.

Nekomaru was getting up, and he was carrying something in his right hand, a kitchen knife. If things weren't bad before, they're terrible now. He can feel himself getting weaker and weaker, Hajime tried to escape Gundham's grasp, but he was pulling the scarf extremely hard, trying to choke him. He couldn't do anything except pull the scarf in order to loosen the grip around his neck. He almost succeeded, until he felt a massive amount of pain coming from his lower abdomen. He looked down and saw a knife protruding out of his body... Nekomaru stabbed him while he was distracted.

Akane: "HAJIME!!!" Akane felt tears running down her face, she needed to do something, right now, but she could hardly stand up.

Nekomaru pulled the knife out of Hajime and stabbed him again in the same place, causing him to bleed... A LOT. But the pain wasn't as bad as before, because he used one hand to grab the knife as it was being stabbed into him, trying to lessen the impact. Meanwhile, his other hand was pulling on the scarf in order to prevent passing out by strangulation. Hajime kicked Nekomaru in the gut in order to push him back, that gave him enough time to pull the knife out and cut through the scarf. He was free. Once he caught his breath and threw the knife across the room, he turned around and saw that Gundham disappeared. Once Hajime turned his attention back to Nekomaru, he got punched right in his stab wound, causing him to start coughing up blood. Nekomaru then held him by his tie and punched him right in the face, causing Hajime's head to split open and begin to bleed. Nekomaru let go and just watched Hajime fall to the ground. It looked like he was about to continue the beat down, until he heard Akane's voice.

Akane: "HEY... LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" That definitely caught his attention, but something else did that too.

Teruteru: "Akane! Catch!" Teruteru was at the top of the stairs, signalling to Akane. She saw him throw something and even though she was hardly able to stand, she was able to catch it. It was a jar filled with a strange green liquid, and Akane immediately realized what it was. She smiled as she opened it and chugged it like her life depended on it, and it technically did. Akane felt the effects right away and in no time flat, she started to grow intense muscles that matched Nekomaru's. Suddenly, all the pain she felt before was just gone, she felt nothing but immense strength taking over.

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