Chapter 27: REST IN PEACE

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Hajime: "While you're over there, I want you to be careful, okay?"

Kazuichi: "Okay." Kazuichi watched as Hajime walked away with his vomit-covered clothes, he wondered if the rest of them will be okay without Hajime. "As long as we stay together, I think we'll be okay." He made his way to the marina where the others were, hoping they don't react that much. Wishful thinking, he almost forgot who he was dealing with. All he could do was endure it, at least when a certain someone voiced their opinion.

Akane: "What do you mean he's not coming!?"

Kazuichi: "He needs to go get cleaned up, and keep an eye on Nagito, so nothing bad happens." Of course, Akane would be mad, the others looked worried as well, but at least they're not panicking. "It'll be okay, we can do this without him, we just need to collect anything useful and put it in the back of the barge."

Mahiru: "Okay, shouldn't be that hard." It seems that Mahiru has already named herself leader, everyone was now paying attention to her instead of Kazuichi. Everyone hopped on board the barge as Kazuichi made his way to where the wheel was located, he was very worried about getting motion sickness again. If he really wanted to explore the Second Island, he would have to resist the urge to throw up again. Not to mention that he was probably the only one here who could possibly steer the damn thing, besides Hajime.

Kazuichi: "Okay... here we go." The engine started working, no problem so far. The barge was moving perfectly, he really thought something bad would happen at this point. He stopped thinking about possible mistakes that could ruin everything and switched his focus to steering.

Mahiru: "By the way, I need to know something." Mahiru approached Sonia with something to ask. Sonia was very happy to be able to talk to Mahiru again, but she was a little concerned about what the topic of conversation would be.

Sonia: "Is something the matter?"

Mahiru: "He gave his body to shield the one he loves." The moment she said those words, Akane quickly turned her attention to Sonia and Mahiru, she knew what was coming next. "What did you mean by that?"

Sonia: "Oh!" Sonia seemed very excited, her eyes sparkling like before. Akane turned her back to them and covered her face with her hands, unable to keep eye contact with anyone. "AKANE AND HAJIME ARE IN LOVE!!!"

Mahiru: "......WHAT!!!?" Her reaction was understandable for the most part, but she looked like she was about to pass out.

Sonia: "I know, right!? Is it not amazing!?" Mahiru couldn't believe what she just heard, Akane looked worse, her whole face was red. Again, understandable.

Peko: "Really? Congratulations." Peko was surprised, but not that much. Fuyuhiko just facepalmed after hearing all that.

Fuyuhiko: "For fuck's sake, is it going to be like this with everyone else?"

Kazuichi: "We're here!" Fuyuhiko's question would have to go unanswered, because they have officially arrived at the Second Island, now the hard part begins. Kazuichi was the first to get off the barge as he had to tie it down to something, like a tree, something that won't move or break. The moment he tied it down, he could feel the motion sickness hitting him. "Oh... no." The others saw Kazuichi run off into the woods, they were surprised he even lasted this long.

Fuyuhiko: "He'll be fine, let's get this over with." Fuyuhiko had to reassure everyone, that's a first.


Kazuichi was completely surrounded by trees, at least he won't puke on anyone this time. After he relieved himself, he took a minute to take in the scenery, he was extremely shocked when he realized that there were corpses everywhere. Not recent, thankfully. They were mostly skeletons, and they smelt horrible.

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