Chapter 31: INSIDE JOB

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The group was having so much fun hanging by the pool that they decided to change locations, from the pool to the beach. The pool wasn't that big, especially with twelve people swimming in it. The beach was a lot more spacious, so everyone would be able to do whatever they wanted without any limitations.

Everyone was doing something different. Sonia was in the water with Ibuki, they were having fun by splashing water at each other. Kazuichi was there too, trying to get Sonia's attention by flexing in his green camouflage trunks, at least he wasn't wearing a speedo like before. No matter how hard he tried, Sonia didn't pay any attention to him. Until he tripped over a rock in the water, not paying attention to where he was placing his feet. Kazuichi fell straight into the water, thankfully it wasn't that deep. When he got back up, he felt embarrassed. Makes sense, since he just made a fool of himself in front of the girl he likes. Then again, it's not like it's the first time.

Sonia: "Kazuichi... are you ok? That looked like it really hurt." Sonia was worried, Ibuki too.

Kazuichi: "Ugh... yeah, I'm fine." As he tried to reassure Ibuki and Sonia, he felt something move in his hair. It was a crab, a small pink one. The girls saw the little critter in Kazuichi's hair, it wasn't the same shade as his hair, so it was pretty easy to see. The three of them couldn't help but laugh.

Meanwhile, Teruteru was standing in the sand thinking to himself. Sunscreen still in hand, his eyes widened as if he just had an idea, knowing him, nothing good could come from this. Teruteru walked up to Mahiru and Hiyoko, who were just sitting down, admiring the view. The moment the girls realized he was standing right behind them, they knew something perverted was running through his mind.

Teruteru: "Hey, ladies, do you mind helping me with putting on this sunscreen? I don't want to get sunburned, and I can't put this on by myself. I would appreciate it if you would lend me a hand... or four." He was practically drooling while he said that, obviously a bad sign.

Hiyoko: "You sick bastard! Like hell we would-"

Mahiru: "Okay." Now that was unexpected, Mahiru would never agree to do something so perverted, especially with a guy like Teruteru. Hiyoko was shocked at Mahiru's response, it would be surprising if she wasn't shocked.

Teruteru: "Ooh, thank you, Mahiru." Even Teruteru was surprised by her answer. But that didn't stop him from lying down in the sand on his back, waiting for the sunscreen to slowly be absorbed into his skin. But something was wrong, Mahiru put the sunscreen down and then turned to face Hiyoko.

She leaned over so she could whisper into Hiyoko's ear, based on the smile forming on Hiyoko's face, Mahiru must've had an idea. Hiyoko seemed to really enjoy this plan, it's not like they were actually going to rub sunscreen all over his body.

Mahiru: "Hey, Teruteru... could you please close your eyes? Doing this while you watch would be kinda embarrassing."

Teruteru: "Of course, feeling is better than seeing anyway." A pervert until very the end. He closed his eyes, and that's when Mahiru and Hiyoko made their move. Instead of grabbing the sunscreen, they grabbed a handful of sand and placed it on Teruteru's stomach. He flinched once he felt the sand touching his skin, not like he knew it was sand since his eyes were closed. And he kept them closed as Mahiru and Hiyoko placed a lot of sand on him, are they trying to bury him in sand?

Mikan was sitting in the sand also, but she seemed like she didn't intend on getting in the water. In one of her hands, Mikan was holding a syringe. Without hesitation, she injected herself with whatever was in it.

Sonia: "Mikan! What are you doing!?" Sonia noticed the syringe while she was swimming with Kazuichi and Ibuki. Once she saw Mikan inject herself, she ran towards her to see what's going on. "Why did you do that?"

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