Start from the beginning

Hajime: "Yeah, you go to the restaurant and tell the others about the pool, I'll go to the control room and get started. It's best that I'm left alone for that."

Akane: "Fine." They both got out of bed, Akane was about to leave until she turned around to see Hajime changing clothes. He was in the middle of taking his shirt off when he looked at her. The moment she was caught, Akane quickly left with a light blush on her face, all he could do in response was smile.

Hajime: 'This is nice.'


Sonia: "The pool, huh? I would love to join you." Makes sense that Sonia would want to accompany her friend to something so fun.

Akane: "What about you guys?" Akane turned to face everyone else.

Fuyuhiko: "Whatever." Fuyuhiko didn't seem to care, but at least it was something to do.

Peko: "I'll be there." No one was surprised to hear Peko say yes after Fuyuhiko gave his answer.

Mikan: "I-I'll go too, if you're all okay with it."

Teruteru: "Five girls in swimsuits, I'm in!" Of course Teruteru loves the idea, not a single person there was surprised.

Mahiru: "Okay." Mahiru didn't put up a fight, she didn't want to be the only one not there.

Kazuichi: "Miss Sonia in a swimsuit... finally, the time has come! I'll finally see Miss Sonia in a SWIMSUIT!!!" How is he not embarrassed when he says this crap out loud?

Nagito: "Great, a real bonding moment, let's go and have some fun." Nagito surprisingly gave a normal answer for once. While everyone was about to swim in the hotel pool for the first time, Hajime was doing more work in order to help his comatose friends. With five more people to go, it's only a matter of time before everyone's back together again.


The more times he does it, the easier it gets. Instead of an hour, waking two people up simultaneously now takes forty-five minutes. He was able to get it done fifteen minutes early because he really wanted to go hang out by the pool with the others. Like before, he made sure that one of the pods would open a few minutes before the next one. Considering who was left, Hajime wanted to play it safe and wake up the two people who would most likely not be a threat, unlike Mikan or Nagito.

Hajime: "Please don't have any side effects, I really don't want to ruin everyone's fun at the pool." The first pod opened and the person inside sat up with their eyes closed, he really needs to do something about the lights, they're too bright.

????: "What... my damn head hurts, what's with the bright lights? Am I dead?"

Hajime: "No, you're okay... I think." Seeing her like this reminded him of how crazy and hyper she was while in the virtual world. "Do you know who I am... Ibuki?"

Ibuki: "HEY, HAJIME!!!" He didn't expect her to jump out of the pod and hug him. He nearly fell over, luckily, he was able to keep his balance during the hug. "I love your eye, it looks awesome!"

Hajime: "T-Thanks, I'm glad to see that you're feeling okay." He did recall that she didn't know or care about boundaries, something that she should really work on.

Ibuki: "Where's everyone else?"

Hajime: "At the pool in front of the restaurant, but you should probably stay here for a little bit."

Ibuki: "Huh? Why?" Interrupting her, the second pod opened, she was shocked to see it open on its own. Ibuki was calm for the most part, but she kept asking questions. Hajime wasn't focused on her, he was focused on the second person waking up.

????: "Ow, my head hurts."

Hajime: "Hiyoko?" She turned to see Hajime and Ibuki standing by her pod, she thought they were watching her sleep.

Hiyoko: "What are you two looking at!?" She sat up and got out of her pod, as she stood up, she realized she was the same height as Ibuki. Hiyoko looked down and saw that her chest was bigger than she remembered, she nearly started to panic. Ibuki was a little bit annoyed with Hiyoko's sudden growth spurt, this pretty much made Ibuki the least developed out of the girls on the island. "What the hell? What's going on!?"

Hajime: "It's okay, I'll explain everything to both of you... by the way, she's alive."

Hiyoko: "What are you talking about?"

Hajime: "Mahiru. Peko and Teruteru are alive too..."

Ibuki: "Really? That's amazing! How is that even possible!?"

Hajime: "First, go to the warehouse near the marina and get some swimsuits, everyone should be by the pool. They'll be very happy to see you two."

Ibuki: "Come on, Hiyoko, let's go!" Ibuki said as she grabbed Hiyoko's arm and pulled her away, heading straight for the warehouse.

Hajime: "I better head down there too, I'll be sure to tell Mikan to apologize to the two of them. Hiyoko probably won't forgive her though, but it never hurts to try." All the girls are awake now. All that's left is Nekomaru, Gundham, and the imposter. He started to get depressed when he realized Chiaki wasn't going to rejoin the group. 'I really need to get it together... for everyone's sake.'

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