Chapter 22: YOUNG MASTER

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Compared to the previous instance, this felt even more gratifying. It was no test, no guess, it was fact, he could wake the comatose in a way only he could, but part of him didn't care at all. The ability wasn't new anymore, it was his, and it had already been done. There was no curiosity, no pondering whether success was obtainable. There was no further interest in the matter, he hadn't even done it twice yet, and it already seemed as trivial as breathing. It was difficult to work without Usami showing herself to the rest of the group, but her involvement still played a big part in helping the ones who are currently unable to wake up.

Kazuichi: "You really need to explain how you were able to wake up Mahiru, my brain isn't able to come up with an answer on its own."

Hajime: "I promise to tell you all how I do it, but now isn't the time." It wasn't a lot to go on, but it's not like they had any other choice. If he doesn't say anything, they'll never know how Mahiru was able to wake up. "There." He could take solace knowing it was done, it didn't even take him that long.

Her eyes were wide open, widening and then closing partly, overhead lights were clearly too bright to stare at. A quick need to rise came to mind before anything else, her body shooting up before sitting a quarter way up as weakness overcame her. 

Hajime: "Here." A warm hand slid under her back before lifting her up, leaving her in a sitting position. Her vision flashed as her eyes fluttered open and closed, tears forming to wash away the dryness. Fuyuhiko couldn't help but notice that Peko's legs weren't moving a muscle, perhaps it was a side effect from being comatose for so long.  

Fuyuhiko: "Let me guess, she can't move her damn legs."

Peko: "Young master, is that you?"

Fuyuhiko: "Don't call me that, dammit."

Hajime: "I can leave her in your care then?" Hajime asked Fuyuhiko as the others slowly began approaching, voicing their welcomes as they did so. Fuyuhiko only nodded, and Hajime asked no further questions, taking a step back before turning to walk away. But before he could get too far, Kazuichi appeared before him, narrowly avoiding collision.

Kazuichi: "You're not sticking around this time?"

Hajime: "I figured I'd give them their space. It would be weird for me to be in there, eavesdropping on their private conversation. They clearly have a lot to talk about, they've been together since childhood after all."

Kazuichi: "All right, cool! Come on, I got something to show you." Hajime didn't choose to object or ask why, following him as he walked outside. The mechanic spontaneously shouted at Hajime to meet him at the airfield before running away from the facility, leaving him standing alone, curious about what Kazuichi found.

Mahiru: "What's going on out here?" Mahiru's voice came from behind him as he was about to take his first steps. From out of the building came the redhead along with the other girls, Nagito also slinking out behind them silently. Hajime gave them each a quick passing glance, knowing very well what must have transpired inside.

Akane: "Baby Gangsta told us to get lost." Akane explained, briefly and eloquently.

Sonia: "So, where were the two of you running off to?"

Hajime: "Come with me and find out... I guess."


The airfield here in reality was far smaller than the airport portrayed in the simulation. Other than the fact that it was in the same place, there were no other similarities. In fact, it wasn't an airport at all. Just a small private airfield. The area was littered with dingy-looking bi and seaplanes, some more decrepit than the others, a few even looking brand-new.

Kazuichi: "Isn't this place amazing!?" Kazuichi surprised the group, springing out from behind an oil drum as he conveyed his feelings for this mechanical paradise.

Sonia: "Someone is feeling a bit better."

Kazuichi: "I'm faking blissful ignorance, but that's not the point!" He turned and ran, quickly disappearing behind some scattered planes towards the end of the field. The others quietly voiced doubts and concerns before following him.

Nagito: "This is exciting! I'm sure the Ultimate Mechanic has prepared something wonderful for us!" Nagito voiced his assumption and then ran off ahead of the others, his empty sleeve flapping wildly in the wind.

In the back of the airfield, Kazuichi and Nagito were waiting, the latter standing atop what was presumably a large machine, with a larger blue tarp draped over it. Rather than saying anything, he acted, returning to the ground to grasp the cover by the corner and yanking it off in one pull.

Hajime: "...A boat?"

Kazuichi: "It's a barge!"

Peko Pekoyama (Ultimate Swordswoman) ALIVE

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