Start from the beginning

He became unaware of where the waters were carrying him, unable to notice anything except the gentle rocking of his body atop the waves.


Nagito: "Where are my- " After some time, about twenty-five minutes, Nagito had ended up ashore. He was thrown off, not seeing his clothes or the palm tree he had left them under. Trudging through the sand, he could notice that this seemed like a different beach. There were no trees here, and the road leading to the hotel was nowhere to be seen. "Oh no... ha! Hahahaha! Ahahaha!" He couldn't control his laughter. He had in fact drifted far away from where he had come from. If he wasn't at another beach on the same island, then he was at a beach of another island entirely. "It didn't even feel like I was floating that long! IZURU!!! KAZUICHI!!!"

He called out their names in case they happened to be within earshot, there was no answer. He laughed again and continued walking down the beach. The sand was getting deeper as he moved away from the shore, his feet almost becoming covered in the grains.

Nagito: "Ow." His toe had hit something beneath a mound of sand he was walking by. He tripped over and fell as well, covering his still clamp body in the rough substance. "What?" He lifted his feet and brought it down on the mound with a thud. He was expecting his leg to go through, surprised that it stopped at the surface. Getting down on his knees, he began brushing away the sand with his right hand... well, what other choice did he have? "A boat!" That's what he found after a considerate amount of cleaning. It was a rowboat, oars and all. Along with that was a clear white shopping bag that held what were probably someone's supplies for a day on the water. Inside were a few water bottles and some now very rotten fruits, he tossed the food aside and threw the bottles into the boat before moving on.

Feet finally off the sand, Nagito was met with a rather dense patch of trees. He wanted to continue moving forward but couldn't help but feel that he was being watched. Casting aside his nervousness, he took a step forward, only to wish that he hadn't.

From the lowest branch of the nearest tree, a snake was now hanging down. Its body and head were both massive for such a creature, the word 'giant' being the perfect descriptive term. Nagito froze as it fell to the ground, revealing the extra five or so foot that hid in the tree branches.

And then it started chasing him.

He spun on his heels as the reptile shot forward. He ran back towards the beach, peeking back to see his pursuer as he moved. When he came to the boat, he rammed into the back of it, pushing it forward as fast as possible.

Nagito: 'The water!' It was the only escape he could think of as he continued moving the boat across the small dunes of sand. Luckily enough for him, the boat was made to be exceptionally light, its metal easily sliding its way to the shore. As soon as the boat hit the water, he tried to jump in, falling on his back with his left leg hanging out. He smiled, happy that he made it, until he felt a slimy feeling take over his leg. Sitting up and peeking over the edge, he could see the snake, its mouth wrapped around his limb. It slowly moved up his leg, stopping a few inches from his knee. "Oh, poor thing. You don't have any fangs?" The 'bite' didn't hurt at all, he thought it felt more like he was wearing a wet sock. "Let go, little guy. You're going to drown if you follow me out here. Come on, shoo!"

He lifted one of the oars and poked it on the nose. Again, and again. As the boat floated further out, the snake loosened the hold it had on him. Eventually, it slipped off after being urged by a few waves, Nagito quickly brought in his leg and then stood up to watch the large serpent swim back to shore.

And now he was drifting on the water again.


Nagito's eyes were currently darting back and forth between his stump and the set of oars. If he had tried to do so, rowing with one arm would cause him to go in circles. And trying to row on the right and left sides with only one arm would leave him easily exhausted.


He flinched at the sound, the feeling of cold water splashing onto his torso brought his attention away from his lack of an arm. Under his vessel, he bears witness to a school of fish, the type of which he didn't recognize. It was a sight to behold, observing them as they swam together, breaching the water to jump towards the sky.

But it quickly became overwhelming. Suddenly, there were fish jumping all around him, some even landing inside the boat. One after another, the fish surrendered their lives, filling the boat in a matter of minutes.


Kazuichi: "Where is that guy?" Kazuichi had been waiting for a while to lock up Nagito, but he hasn't shown up yet, he was beginning to grow suspicious of him. Could he have been planning something against the rest of them?

Nagito: "Ha... hah... I'm here." He heard Nagito's voice coming from near the gates, along with a loud scraping sound. The Ultimate Lucky Student slowly rounded the corner... dragging half of a metal boat behind him. He stopped pulling it at the midpoint between the cottages, and pulled his folded clothes and shoes out of the useless piece of metal. He slowly limped past Kazuichi and into his room, slamming the door behind him.

Kazuichi: "What... what the hell happened to him?" The remaining half of the boat was filled with dead fish and had smoke coming from where it was separated from its other half, which seemed to have been burnt as well. "What has he been doing all day!?"

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