Chapter 12

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"Danziger are you going to open the door or just leave me standing in the hallway like a fucking idiot?" Amelia calls out, knocking on his door harshly, not caring if the entire hallway could hear her at this point or not. 

She sighs harshly when she hears the drums pick up inside of his apartment, whipping out her phone to call him as she frustratedly taps her foot. "Are you going to keep waiting me in the hallway forever or what's the deal here?" she asks him. 

"Oh shit Mel, I didn't even hear you knocking." he asks apologetically and she laughs when she hears him trip over something in his apartment. 

"What the fuck did you just trip on?" she says laughing, as she hears him getting closer to the door. 

She jumps slightly when the door swings open, but starts laughing again at the utter mess that Maxx was in that moment of time. "I tripped over my fucking kick pedal for your information." he says bitterly and she nods in silence. 

"How's your ego feeling after that one?" she asks curiously, stepping beside him and into his apartment. 

She felt a strange pit of nostalgia in her stomach stepping into the apartment that once used to be Awsten's, where they shared their first kiss, where they had gotten into their fight first, where he had planned her entire fake birthday just in attempts to turn everything around for her. 

Sure the layout of it was the exact same as hers, so it really was like she was just looking at an alternate version of her own house but the fact that the walls were decorated differently left her reminiscing over a time that was never really as shiny as she thought it was when she was living in it. 

Amelia snaps out of her daze when she notices Maxx standing directly in front of her "Hello Mel?" he asks waving a hand in front of her face, "Where the hell did you just go to for a minute there?" he asks concerned and she shakes her head waving him off. 

"No where. I'm good." she replies shakily, and Maxx rolls his eyes pointing over at the couch. 

"Sit. We are talking, let me get you a drink." he tells her making his way into the kitchen. 

"How was seeing Awsten today?" Maxx asks from the other room and Amelias head snaps over to him. 

"Who said anything about me seeing Awsten?" she counteracts. 

Maxx rolls his eyes again, pouring the both of them a glass of water. "No one had to say anything, your text alone let me know that you didn't have the balls to come and ask him to see you yourself. Thanks for putting that on me by the way." he tells her sarcastically, returning to her with a water in his hand. 

"You didn't have to reply to me. You could of just ignored me." Amelia says stubbornly and Maxx sighs. 

"Mel cut the stubborn shit, you know I'm not giving you a hard time. I'm here to listen to whatever is going on even if I don't think it's a good idea." he says with a sigh. 

Amelia frowns slightly, taking a sip of her water. "You don't think it's a good idea." she repeats quietly as Maxx shakes his head. 

"Not really no, this is coming from someone who knew Awsten first. I have no issues with the guy, we have mutual friends but how he treated you isn't okay. I want you to be happy because you deserve that." Maxx admits slowly, not wanting to upset her even more than she already was. 

"I don't even really know what's happening between us to be honest." she admits slowly. 

"The walls are thin." Maxx mumbles and Amelia's face heats up immediately her eyes growing wide. 

"Shut the fuck up Maxx, there's no way-" she says embarrassed. 

Maxx shakes his head, "You're an adult Mel I don't care about what I heard, but you can't sit here and say you don't know what's happening between the two of you when that already happened." he tells her, and even with as embarrassed as she is in that moment she knows that he's right. 

"My therapist said the same exact thing." she replies bitterly. 

"Therapists also have therapists?" Maxx asks quickly, and Amelia laughs at his genuine shock as she nods. 

"Yes buddy believe it or not, just because I am a therapist doesn't mean I have my own mental health in check, doctors still have to see doctors you know." she replies playfully as he nods. 

"I don't know why the fuck I never thought of that." he says dumbfounded. 

"This is why you play drums, but you're also really pretty so it's okay." she teases with a smile on her face. 

Maxx smirks at her, leaning back on the couch. "So now I'm pretty?" he asks slyly and Amelia rolls her eyes. 

"Can it drummer boy, you always were pretty. Don't go letting your head inflate on me." she retorts. 

"I'm just messing with you Mel, honestly though are you okay? With everything that's happening?" he asks her, his tone genuine and she shrugs softly. 

"I think I kind of have to be? I am the one who sort of initiated it all you know? I invited him to the coffee shop today, I am the one who told him to kiss me in my apartment that night, I can't be made at the choices that I'm making for myself." she rambles, and Maxx nods softly just letting her talk. 

"He told me today that I'm allowed to be mad at him, that I can yell at him if I want to because he deserves it but I don't feel like that's the kind of closure I need. I don't want to sit and yell at him, that's not the kind of person that  am I don't want change who i am just to get revenge." she tells him quietly. 

"I don't think it would change the kind of person you are just because you are expressing your feelings differently than you normally would Mel." he assures her gently. 

Amelia knew that Maxx was right, and even though he knew the both of them he was giving her as much of an unbiased opinion as he possibly could. 

"I think you just need to protect yourself and your feelings, no matter what you choose though I'll be here to support you." he adds on at the end. 

Amelia nods thankfully, she was grateful that she had another supportive person in her corner she just didn't know what to do from here. 

See You In The Future - Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now