Chapter 5

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Awsten stood at Amelias door clutching her sweater tightly, he knew that this was a stupid plan. She would never actually believe that he showed up just to return this article of clothing, and Geoff was right she probably didn't even remember that she owned it. 

He takes a deep breath, raising his hand and knocking softly. He knew that realistically if she was in her bedroom she wouldn't even hear the knocking and maybe that was for the better. If she didn't answer the door he could just leave the sweater and go, she would find it the next time that she left her apartment. 

Awsten couldn't tell if he was terrifed or relieved when he hears her call out "One second I'll be right there!" 

He could hear her footsteps approaching, and he takes a deep breath when she opens the door with a smile on her face that almost immediately falls the moment that she sees him.

"Awsten. Can I help you?" she asks him dryly, and he swallows thickly looking down at his feet.

"I uh- your sweater. I found it when I was cleaning." he lies, handing it out to her, and she takes it nodding. 

Amelia felt weird seeing him here, and against her better judgement she says "Did you want to come in?" 

Awsten looks up her confused, but agrees easily slipping into the apartment without a word. 

Awsten stands for a minute, trying to think of a good excuse to come up with. When he finds none, he sighs telling her the truth. 

"I miss you. I wanted to see you, see how you were doing." he says quietly still looking down at his feet. 

Amelia lets out a bitter laugh, trying to mask the feelings that she had at the moment. 

"Yeah I didn't miss you so this is a failed mission bud." she says sarcastically, walking into the kitchen leaving him in the entry way.

Awsten cocks his head to the side, letting his jealousy take over his actions and words for a minute. 

"If you don't miss me, why'd you click on the notification the moment that I went live on Instagram when it popped up huh? You can't play cool guy here when you never ever turned my post notifications off. I bet they're still on now, right?" he says in a cocky voice and Amelia turns to face him with a look of shock on her face. 

"Out of the fucking thousands of views popping up why am I the one you noticed? Were you just looking out for me?" she counteracts, meeting the same tone in Awstens voice. 

"Are you fucking kidding me? You're always the one I notice Amelia. I could pick your laugh out in a crowd of a thousand people why are you acting like I don't care?" he asks incredulously and she shakes her head. 

"Because you don't and I don't have to explain my feelings to you." she says stubbornly, not giving him the satisfaction of her reaction. 

"For a therapist you've never been very good at talking about your feelings, the entire relationship I never knew where your fucking head was at." he replies, anger seeping through his tone. 

Amelia laughs shaking her head, "Yeah you're going to use your own lyrics on me during a fight? You have this rehearsed or something? Did you talk to yourself in the mirror before you came here?" she asks viciously. 

"Oh yeah of course that's what you take from that, did you ever like me for me or was it just 'cause I'm from some band that you like? That why you went out with Maxx?" he asks, immediately regretting his words. 

Amelia feels anger flash through her system, walking closer to Awsten. 

"You don't get to show up here and insult me, when I know damn well you are just saying things because you're angry and that you don't mean any of that shit." she says through her teeth. 

"So what's the real reason you came over here Awsten? Because I know it wasn't to give me a sweater that you've had in your closet since my birthday. So what sparked this?" she asks, her tone still angry. 

Awsten stands there for a moment, trying to think of a lie that could fix this whole situation. In the back of his mind he knew that would just add to the layers of issues they had going on at the moment. 

"Honestly? I saw Maxx's tweet of you, and it made me sick seeing another guy post about you." he says in a low tone that gives Amelia butterflies. 

"Y'know I really thought you had higher standards, I know him. I wouldn't get my hopes up about him if I were you." he points out with a smug grin on his face, his voice still low and gravely. 

Amelia knew better than to entertain him right now, every part of her brain was screaming at her to make him leave but against her better judgement she shoots back at him. 

"You don't get to be jealous when you're the one who ended things Aws, I've moved on." she tells him in a confident tone and he laughs. 

Neither one of them noticed that through this entire conversation they're moving closer to each other, until they were practically standing nose to nose. 

"Kinda hard not to be jealous when you were wearing one of my shirts in that picture that he posted of you and now he's sending you flowers, you can't be that far moved on if you're still wearing my things." he tells her, his voice low and gravely. 

At the same time both of them look down to see that she has the same shirt on once again, and Awstens hands graze the hem of the shirt his fingers gently brushing her skin causing her to inhale sharply. 

"If it bothers you that much, just take the fucking shirt back Awsten." she says in a cocky tone and they lock eyes. 

Amelia's eyes flicker down to Awsten's lip and back up to his eyes a small smirk forming on her face, nodding silently letting him know that he has full consent to do whatever comes next. 

Within a second, Awsten pulled the shirt over her head quickly realizing that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath and he inhales between his teeth when she hears him mumble "kiss me."

That was all it took for Awsten to lock his hands under her butt, picking her up and bringing her to the island in the kitchen. Placing her down he pushes his mouth against her feverishly, his tongue brushing against her teeth. 

Both of them knew that they should be talking instead of doing this right now, but neither one of them cared enough to stop and think it through. 

"You are so fucking beautiful." Awsten says in a low tone against her mouth, bending his head down to trail kisses down her neck to her collar bone and almost loses all control when a small whimper escapes her lips. 

Amelia reaches down, pulling Awsten's shirt over his head. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks her in between the kisses he continues to press to the sweet spot on her neck. 

Amelia nods in agreement, and Awsten mumbles against the sweet spot on her neck "Use your fucking words angel." he says lowly, and Amelia groans. 

"Absolutely positive." she says breathlessly and she feels his smile against her neck. 

"You're so pretty when you use your words." he tells her confidently, and Amelia feels herself unravel right then and there. 

"Shut the fuck up and kiss me." she spits at him, tangling her hands in his hair which is much shorter than she's used to pressing her lips against him firmly. 

Awsten reaches down to pick Amelia back up, and assumes that it's to bring her into the bedroom. 

"No, too impatient. Right here." she says feverishly, and he pulls back with a look of shock that quickly turns into a smirk that makes her feel like her heart is beating out of her chest. 

"You're going to be the death of me." he says with a groan, and she smiles sweetly knowing that was her exact plan all along. 

See You In The Future - Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now