Chapter 7 (2/2): Just Business

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Nix watched in horror as his unkillable boss smacked the floor like a boulder. A woman screamed in terror scaring everyone before all attention was on the lifeless form of Shelly. When, where, why, how? All these questions popped in his head at the scene before him. He looked to Poco, Sam, and Veronica, they were motionless. Poco had that same smile on his face that Nix hated so much but his eyes were much brighter showing his astonishment. Sam was frozen solid with his mouth agape in shock. Veronica had no signs of emotion on her face, her arms were shaking though as she reached out to her lifeless boss.

Nix heard it once again, 'Hostiles!' "Hostiles!" he shouted shocking the three members and drawing their attention. "Sam, Veronica, find 'em and bring them here. Poco you're with me," he grabbed Poco by his midriff and slung him over his shoulder like he was a bag of mulch. He put one foot on the guard rail, it moaned from his weight. The two remaining members watched as he dropped down to Shelly's side, shaking the ground around him.

He placed Poco down before looking back up to them, "GO!" The two atop the balcony shook the cobwebs and started scanning the arena. Veronica tapped Sam on the shoulder and pointed in a direction. They nodded their heads before disappearing into the stands.

Nix looked down to see Poco removing two blades from Shelly's back and taking one from her hand. He passed one to Nix, he noticed the viscous green liquid. A dip into the substance with his index finger brought out a mixture of her blood and the green ooze. He opted to use his pinky which was just small enough to pick up just the green substance. His tongue lapped up the green substance before spitting it out violently, "Poison."

"Oh really, ya don't say?"

"Don't get smart with me skeleton." He took Shelly's head in his massive hands. His fingers touched her neck for a pulse. A faint beat could be felt. "She's alive."

"For how long?"

"It's weak but it's there. She's tough, I doubt that she will fall to just this, but she won't be strong enough to handle any follow-up attacks. We need to get out of here." Nix looked around at some of the bystanders watching the scene. "Does anyone know if the paramedics are on the way?!" The crowd murmured amongst themselves, but a response was not provided. "Useless."

"There's no time for paramedics. If you guys have been found, then we need to get her combat-ready now." Poco pulled his case off his back and pulled out his custom guitar.

"We don't have time for one of your songs Poco."

"I told you before, music heals the soul. I just need to get in tune." Poco began to play a few small cords and adjust his pitch as Nix rested her head on his lap. Her hat flew off in the fall beside her. He picked it up and placed it on her head, tucking her purple hair beneath it.

"Hang on Boss, we got you."

"What happened here?" Nix and Poco turned towards the question. A man with fiery red hair broke through the crowd, he was softly panting implying that he ran to the scene.

"We have it under control you can move on pal," Nix waved the man off before focusing on Shelly. Poco stopped tuning his guitar momentarily as he stared at the redhead. The redhead and other crowd members backed away at the sight of Poco. His forever smile on that boney frame chilling them to their bones.

He leaned in close to Nix covering his mouth, "We need to move her."

"What are you talking about, you said you could help her with your song right?"

"Yes, but this place isn't safe anymore."

"Veronica and Sam are chasing down the suspects. These people are just bystanders."

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