Chapter 7 (1/2): A Little Perspective

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The crowd went ballistic from the deafening thud. The Phoenix dropped her opponent in the center of the ring with an elevated, sit-out, handle-lock facebuster. Her opponent was counting the lights even during The Phoenix's theme song.

"Wooooo, that what I'm talking about," Sam was on his feet clapping and cheering as The Phoenix made her way to the backstage area. "Now after a performance like that, there is no way she doesn't get a title shot."

"Listen, the professional wrestling industry is an intricate web filled with more than just crowd-pleasers. You have to be a people-pleaser as well. In other words, if the boss doesn't like you, you're not getting a single title shot."

"That's dumb."

"That's show business." Poco sat back in his chair. He stretched his legs out to lay them on the guardrail, but his short stature just made them dangle.

"Sounds like bullshit," Nix leaned back in his seat. He successfully propped his legs on the handrail, throwing a playful smirk towards Poco before turning away. Newly formed goosebumps on his skin from the skeleton's eternal smile. "Fake or not, if the crowd wants more we should see more. And if the contestant keeps winning, they should have the right to challenge for the title of their choosing."

"Unfortunately, we don't make the rules, my jumpy giant." Poco wiggled his boney fingers causing Nix to lean away uncomfortably. "We all just have to roll with whatever the geezer at the top states. Until he changes his mind, passes the torch, or just passes."

"Dark," Sam took a long sip of his cup. The air dissatisfying but expected, "Hey where is Ronnie with our refills?"

"I'm sure she is almost done, probably just got caught up in the lines."


The three boys looked back at their chuckling boss. She had been silent most of the night. The only sounds that escaped her were burped from her drinks and grunts of critiques during the matches; usually stating that the moves don't even hit or she could take any performer in that ring. "Poco, you get a pass cause you're new here. But, Nixxy, Sammy, how long we been together? 5-6 years? Have you two never noticed she doesn't talk to anyone other than us?"

"What's your point, boss?"

"Do you think she doesn't socialize with others because she just doesn't feel like it or cause she literally, doesn't know how? Tell me, Sammy, when we first found her what was she doing?"

"Pickpocketing at night."

"And what happened when we followed her?"

"She got scammed by some random vendor talking about all healing snake oils, your point?"

"Do you really think she is ready to tackle the nightmare that is the merchandise stand?"

Nix and Sam turned to one another. They grew more nervous by the second. How would she handle capitalism on her own? Would she waste all the money they gave her?

Sammy jumped up first, "I told her to go get the drinks for us, so I'll go get her."

"No, I was given the task of assisting her in refreshment retrieval it only makes sense that I resume the position I was given."

"Neither of ya are going." Shelly popped out of her seat, tucking her hair under her cap before sliding out of their row.

"You, why are you going boss?"

She looked back with a neutral expression, "Cause I'm the boss." She walked up the stairs slowly. With her face hidden from the rest of the group, it contorted into an evil grin. She mumbled under her breath, silenced by the sounds of the crowd, "And it will be fun to watch her squirm for a change."

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