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Yo was fumming with anger. He don't care about what  reason  pha had that time to make him act like that.Because for him pha is sinful soul who cursed his cousin innocent soul badly. He don't care about if pha feel guilty or not . All he care about is he wants to teach him lesson. With that thought he turn to his boyfriend who is feeling sad for his friend.

Its okay p'Kit. Don't feel bad.Mm..
If you don't mind shall we leave now.

Why yo...???Are you feeling tired.

    Kit suddenly worried. He thought may be yo is tired. 

     Wayo chukled at his innocent  boyfriend and kissed his cheeks.

     No p. I just have some work. Thats why.

       Actually he don't like to sit around with boyfriend when his heart burn with anger. Who know he may snap his innocent boyfriend because of his coward bestfriend. So he decided to take him to his dorm.

     Mm....then okay yo. Let's go.

      Kit  don't want to go his dorm. He want to spend somemore time with boyfriend. So he sulked.

     Don't worry p. Only 3 days left .we are going to live in our new apartment together. So we will have lots of time to spend.

    Kit face lit up after heard his boyfriend words.

Yes...you are correct yo.let's go now.

Kit happily went with his boyfriend.

Wayo lead him to his car. He didn't speak his p because his mind is filled with many things. He just nodded his head time to time whatever his boyfriend saying. Because he can't trust his vocal when he have war on his heart. He look like time bomb which will explode anytime. So...he just silent through out journey. Because he don't want to show his inner turmoil to his boyfriend and make him worried who is innocent.

After dropped kit at his dorm yo came to his apartment with deadly aura.

If any one look at him they will surely feared. Because his eyes are blood red and see the angry in them which is look like volcano.

He directly went to pha apartment. He knew its already past 9 pm and pha must in his room.

Wayo didn't care to knock the door. He just called his name loudly which is make echo on this empty corridor.



When pha was ready to sleep...he heard wayo voice who shouted at his name. He was confused what he was doing in house at this hour.

He was comfused. Why he shouting my name like at this hour. If he want to me talk to  he can just knock my door.

     He really confused at the same time feared what if something happened to ming or oon or aunty...

When that thought came to his mind he jump from his bed and rushed into living room to open the door.

Nong wayo...what happen. Is ming okay...oon is alright na...please tell na...

    Pha was so worried...

     He asked to wayo before allow him to enter  to his house.

But yo didn't say anything. He just glaring at him till he went to sit on couch. 

    Pha see how he look at him with his burning eyes. He don't know why he look at him like this. But before he ask him...he stopped  him..

       On the other wayo who came to beat phana didn't beat him after witnessed geniual worry on pha eyes for his cousin and his nephew. So he control his anger. He decided to use his mouth instead of his fist now.

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