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Hajime: "Did Kazuichi say anything else to you?" Hajime asked Fuyuhiko before taking a seat next to him. He only shrugged his shoulders, turning his eye back to the bright red apple he was tossing up into the air as they wait.

Fuyuhiko: "He didn't tell me shit. Just said, 'wait for me at the hotel lobby', and ran off somewhere. I'm guessing he's telling the girls the same thing right now, he clearly wants to show something off though."

Hajime: "Could it have something to do with our friends? He does spend almost all of his time there." His interest had risen at the thought of news regarding their comatose friends. He let the idea float around in his head for a bit before dismissing it due to low probability.

Fuyuhiko: "I'd stop making fun of him forever if that were true." Fuyuhiko had seemingly dismissed the idea as well, but it was good to see that he had also considered it. "I'm just glad we have him around to keep things running."

Kazuichi: "Surprise!"

Fuyuhiko: "AH!!!" Fuyuhiko let out a quick and sharp scream as Kazuichi jumped out from behind them. Hajime was surprised as well, he just didn't show it as vocally as his friend did. Kazuichi laughed at the yakuza's reaction, making his face turn red in embarrassment. In the mechanic's hands, he held a trio of items stacked on top of one another. From bottom to top, he held a projector, a laptop, and what they could only assume was a DVD inside of a clear case.

Sonia: "Good morning, everyone!" Sonia announced as she and Akane walked down the stairs from the restaurant above.

Kazuichi: "All right, everyone's here! Hajime, think you can help me set up this stuff back here?"

Hajime: "We're watching a movie?" Hajime asked as he stood up and followed Kazuichi to the back wall behind them. Together, they quickly set up the electronics on a low coffee table against the wall. The whole time, Kazuichi was grinning, eager to unveil his surprise.

Kazuichi: "Well... you know how I've been digging through things left behind by the Future Foundation, right? So, in one of the computers... I found the surveillance records of all of our time on the virtual island!"

Fuyuhiko: "That's sick, Kazuichi." Hajime was taken aback by this as well, Fuyuhiko's statement bringing a mutual opinion to light.

Kazuichi: "No, no, no, I edited it!" Kazuichi defended himself, waving his hands in front of him as he spoke frantically.

Hajime: "Edited?"

Kazuichi: "Right! No murders, no crime scenes, class trials or executions!"

Sonia: "What about footage from inside the cottages?" Sonia spoke with an annoyed tone as she stepped forward. Her right hand was raised, prepared to smack him if his answer wasn't to her liking.

Kazuichi: "Of course not! I would n-never..."

Hajime: "So, what is on there?" Hajime interrupted, halting Sonia's brief threat.

Kazuichi: "I thought it'd be nice to have memories of the time we all spent together, seeing as most of the people in this footage aren't here... I thought it'd be nice if-"

Akane: "Well, what are we waiting for!? Let's watch it already!" Akane shouted from her seat, arms raised in the air. While the others were still somewhat hesitant, they had all decided to give it a chance. Everyone took their seats and waited for Kazuichi to dim the lights and get things going. 

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