Chapter 1: FREEDOM

Start from the beginning

Akito: "Please don't cry, sweetie. I never liked seeing you cry."

Hajime: "How could I not? I'm gonna lose you... I'm gonna be all alone." The tears kept coming, and Akito was forced to see her son break down, the sight was something she couldn't stand.

Akito: "It's gonna be okay, you'll be okay. I know this isn't a good time to tell you this, but I've been saving some money over the years, and you'll get all of it once I'm gone. It won't be enough to keep you going... but that's not what it's for." Hajime was confused, Akito was saving money without his knowledge and planned on giving it to him? "If you manage to graduate, you'll be set for life." Once those words were said, Hajime's eyes widened at the realization of what she was referring to.

Hajime: "No... you don't mean-"

Akito: "I do, it's enough to attend the school of your dreams. It's all you've been talking about for the last few years, now you're able to finally go."

Hajime: "T-This... is not..."

Akito: "It's okay, do it for me. This is my final gift to you, my only child. Whether you're talented or not, it doesn't matter to me, you'll always be my greatest achievement... I love you, Hajime."

Hajime: "I love you too, mom." She reached her hand out and Hajime took it in his, continuing to cry as the life faded from her eyes. The four doctors were standing outside of the room, near the door frame. They were watching the whole time, also heartbroken for the mother and son duo. Hajime loved his mother with all his heart, he never had a reason to hate her or treat her with disrespect. "Mom?" No response, Akito wasn't moving at all. Since the life support was still on, he had to assume that she used too much of her energy and fell asleep. The doctors entered the room and approached the bed, doctor #1 placed his hand on Hajime's shoulder and tried to comfort him.

Doctor #1: "I'm so sorry, kid. It would seem that she doesn't have much time left, I think it's about time we unplug the life support." Hajime wouldn't stop crying, anyone else would do the same in his position. Doctors #2 and #3 helped Hajime back to his feet and escorted him out of the room, not wanting him to watch doctors #1 and #4 unplug her life support, putting her out of her misery.

Hajime: 'Mom, thank you for everything. I promise to make the most out of this chance you've given me. I will make you proud, please continue to watch over me.' Hajime felt glad that he was able to see her before she passed on, refusing to regret leaving the school. 'Goodbye, mom.' With his mother gone, all he had was himself, but he was now able to attend the school of his dreams. A school that kept his attention for years, something his mother noticed and saved money for. Thanks to Akito, Hajime can now attend the country's most prestigious high school...

Hope's Peak Academy


Two Months Later

Hajime was here, officially attending Hope's Peak Academy. Although it's been two months since the entrance ceremony, everything still felt new. Hajime was currently standing by a water fountain, looking over at the school's main building in the distance. Before coming here, everyone at his previous school heard about him being enrolled in Hope's Peak Academy and couldn't help but voice their opinions. Pretty much everyone said that he didn't deserve it, they even started to criticise Hope's Peak Academy's judgement in letting someone like him into the school.

He has no talent... his parents are stupid too... he just paid to get in... does he really want to succeed that much? Those were just a handful of insults thrown his way. All the stress was getting to him, he nearly felt like having a panic attack. But then he felt someone walk into him, somebody was walking by and ended up walking into Hajime's right side. Hajime looked to his right and was forced to look down slightly, mainly because whoever collided with him was shorter than him. It was a girl, and she was distracted because she was playing a game on some sort of portable handheld console. When she realized that her path was blocked, she looked up and stared at Hajime.

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