Faking it -15-

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"Hey, let's give them little bits of ..... ...." Sinn suggest "hmm" Tsuki decide to think about it. And after a few minute of thinking she teleported an orb, not too big and not too small "how about this?" She asked both of her friends.

Sinn and Sania inspect the orb, the orb has Luffy in it, he is holding a sad mask but his face clearly shows happiness "good for me, how 'bout you?" Sania said before asking Sinn "it's okay for me too" Sinn give Tsuki a smile.

"Okay then" but when she was gonna starts the memories someone interupt her "when is it gonna start~!" Someone whinned and when she turned she sees Luffy jumping up and down on his chair impatiently "it's gonna start in 3... 2... 1!" The screen lit up.

Ace and Sabo are eating in the cafetaria, everything is fine and the cafetaria is oddly quiet, no shouting or yelling. Just, little chat with their friends.

"Why are they wearing the same white clothes?" Someone asked "well~ for this AU... it's a secret" Sania gave them a wink.

Meanwhile, the ASL brothers are frozen in spot. The strawhat archeologist notice it and starts to make some theories.

(Robin..... why do you remind me of Shoto Todoroki from My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia?)

That is until a cry from the hall can be heard. The crying sound came closer and closer, putting each kid to edge, except Sabo and Ace who are still eating their food.

"They really doesn't care about anybody else except each other do they?" Someone sarcasticly mumured.

Then theres come a girl, she have pastel blue hair that is put into a pigtails, her eyes are purple. She came running into the cafetaria and to one of the guard, her right cheek bleeding. The cut on her cheek looks like it has been slashed by something sharp.

"Oh god! What happend to her!?" A marine asked "someone clearly attacked her dumbass!" The marine friend answer, clearly tired at how dumb his friend are.

"Help! 813 just attacked me!" She whails.

"Why did she called someone using number? Is the person name used number?" Thatch asked, the kid name is so uniqe "nah, it's their codenames" Sania accidently slipped off, she immediately slap her mouth off.

That information stunned Thatch and the others who is close to them "codenames? Why would kids have codenames?" Thatch felt suspicious at the two goddess and goddess helper "uh.... they like to play using codenames, thats all" Sinn immediately said.

One by one person came to her and starts to shower her with questions, asking what happend or why is 813 attacked her "i don't know! I was just walking and then out of nowhere he attacked me!" Her cries become louder. "Why do  i feel like she is lying?" Ace mumble "because she is lying" Sabo whisper to Ace.

That stunned everyone "wait what!? She's lying?!"

"No way! How could they know!?"

"Damn! We didn't notice!"

"Hey! We still not sure if she really is lying!"

Rambles going through the theater. And without them knowing, the ASL brothers are already at the front with the goddess and goddess helper.

Then it's like something came crushing down to them. They both got up and run through the hallway, stratling the people that they passed. They both can hear footsteps sound following them, probably to see what they are doing to make them suddenly run.

"Now why are they running?"

They run and run not stopping until they see Luffy. And speak of the devil, they see Luffy on the middle of the hallway. He is sitting there, crying in pain, his hand are bleeding, and infrot  of him is a bloody knife

Watching The D MemoriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin