Cold as Ice -23-

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Hi, yeah sorry for making you guys think that i discontinue or abandoned this fanfic. So here a new chapter! Hopefully you like it.

The gods seems to be in a meeting and it looked serious. "So how about this ..." that sounds like Tsuki "so you ...... them?" And that sounds like Ezkiel. Oh, it looks like they are discussing for the end of the chapter. Not sure when will this chapter gonna be anyway.

Sinn watched the god with a deadpanned look and crossed arms "can you guys not do it now? There still people that need to watch some other AU" immediately the discussing sound come to an end and Tsuki appeared an orb.

The orb is light blue and there is a snowflakes on it. "Ahh... i wonder..." she mummured as she starts the memorise. "Oh- right, so as you can see. This one is an AU where Ace have an ice devil fruit like Kuzan but kinda different too okay? Okay" she informed them quickly not making sure if they understand or not.

"Ooo... an AU where Ace have ice instead fire? This is gonna be interesthing" Thatch Said, now staring at the screen. Kuzan looks like usual but there is a hint of curiosity in him.

It was supposed to be a peacefull day for the bandits. But of course fate has another plan for them. Garp came and he brought another kid with him, ANOTHER KID! Atleast it's not a baby but still! A KID!!! Oh Dadans will soon have gray hairs on her.

Some peopele chuckles and giggle at that.

Garp held the kid up to them "say hi to them Luffy" said the kid looked at them and hold up a hand "yo" he said simply, too simple for Dadans liking. "Ug- Garp! You do realise that we are bandits right?! You can't just give us kids to take care of! Were not caretakers!-" Dadan complaints got cut off by Garp "i can easly gave you to the marine" with that the bandit immeadiately shut up. Garp hard face turned into his usual cheerfull expression "now, where is that brat?" He exclaimed while looking around as if searching for something or someone.

Soon the sound of rustling can be heard right behind him. Garp turned around, Luffy following him too because he is a curious kid. There the both grandpa and grandchild saw a kid carrying dead animals or maybe dragging them. The kid stared at them then he turned to Dadan, the kid face looked questioning. Dadan stared at him back "na ah, don't you stare at me like that, i didn't even know he was comming here" she ended with a frown and crossed arms.

Looking back at that, Ace really feel like Dadan is his mom. He smiles warmly seeing Dadan on the screen 'i'm sorry Dadan, i'm sorry that i left you'.

The kid turned to Garp again "... so what are you doing here gramps?" He sounded hesistant. Garp smiled "well i'm happy that you ask!" He grab the kid next to him and shove it infront of the confused kid "this kid is gonna be your brother from now, Ace. His name is Luffy" the kid who name is now Luffy waved at Ace. Ace glared at Luffy and turned to Garp who instead stare at him too.

"that's a dumb idea"

Garp put on a cheeky grin"But in the end, you have two sworn brothers right?" He said staring at the three brothers that are probably commenting that he is kinda stupid sometimes. He' just happy to see all of his grandsons together again and happy.


And now the three brothers are here together. Hunting for food, or maybe just playing. Soon the three of them sat down near a river. The silence got cut off by Luffy "ne Ace..." said person hummed in respones "why did you wear that gloves? Even when it's hot" his question may be just an innocent question but, the answer... Ace doesn't know if he should just tell him or not.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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