Lost Boy -22-

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Soooooo i was listening to some music, then i remembered this song and i was thinking 'why not hear it again'. And when i hear it, it reminded me of Ace and O.M.G i almost crieeeeeed while making this!!!

Will you guys cry after reading this or not? Let's find out!

The song is made by Ruth B.

Ezkiel sneaked to Tsuki and peared from their shoulder to see what is she doing even thought he is littelary taller than Tsuki. "BOO!" he yelled making Tsuki jumped in supprised "WAAA! The fuck was that?!" She yelled at her friend when she heard laughter from the other three.

"You hollow head! You know that i always got scared easily!" She scolded the soul god. Ezkiel laughed more and wheeze a little "s-sorry pfft- okay" he took a deep breath "so anyway.... can they react to... you know... something sad or wholesome?" He suggest.

Tsuki is still mad at him but he have some great idea in his hollow head

(Ezkiel: hey!)

Stuki turned around and observe the inside of a portal that she has made. Soon after she found an orb. The orb is like the night sky, plain dark blue with stars glitering on it. But there is also a white shade on the edge, making it look like it's inside a dream.

She glance up and see Ezkiel smiled "you like torturing me don't you?" Ezkiel is a strong men, but a sad or wholesome memory gonna make him cry. Tsuki shrugged off her shoulder "i don't know what you are talking about Ez" she started the memory.

A teen Ace lay there on the hill of mt. Colubo staring at the night sky filled with stars.

There was a time when I was alone

Nowhere to go and no place to call home

"Aaawwwh Aceee, you know that you have us now right" Thatch say with a smile. Ace turned the smile and replied a small "yeah..."

My only friend was the man on the sea

And even, sometimes, he would go away, too

Those words does give Marco a hint of jelousy.

Then one night, as I closed my eyes

I saw a light flying high

A blue phoenix slowly flies down until it is infront of Ace. The phoenix turned into a man wearing an open purple jacket, blue pants and a sash around his hip. The man have a tatoo on his chest that Ace sure that he has seen it somewhere.

"Hey! There's Pineapple guy!" Luffy pointed out. The jelousy inside Marco dissapear when he noticed that Ace unknown friend was just Maro. Wait, Marco?

He came to me with the sweetest smile

Told me he wanted to talk for a while

He said, "Marco the Phoenix, that's what they call me, i promise that you'll never be lonely"

Marco stretched out his hand, wich Ace took with a little hesistant. Marco turned inti his phoenix form again, Ace on his back. They flew in the air.

"That looked fun" Luffy unconciously say. Usopp and Chopper can agree with him on this one.

And ever since that day~

Ace is amazed, it's amazing to see the ocean from the high sky.

Nami stare at the scene, amazed. Sure being a pirate you can see something like this but, the scene just looked like it come out from a storybook for kids.

Watching The D MemoriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin