A Normal Day In The Basement -13-

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This is a modern AU

"TODAY!!" Sania yelled startling the one piece characters "you are going to watch what the ASL usualy do in the basement! In the modern AU" She continues. "Why would we see what are they usualy do in their basement? Wouldn't the basement full of boxes or other stuff that they didn't use anymore?" Nami asked.

Sania just smiled not answering her answer "ok! I'm gonna start the memory!" Tsuki yelled, the orb have a lock drawing in it and the background is a scary basement.

Sabo woke up and then change his clothes, walking down the stairs he saw no one when he got into the living room "where are they-" he ask himself until something flashed into his mind "oh right....".

"I still can't get over the fact that you guys are rich" Nami mumured.

He walked into the basement door that is inside a closet, he walk down the stair into the dark, eerie, not so cold basement.

"Waaaaaaah!" Chopper, Usopp, and Nami yelled. "That is the scariest basement ever!" Chopper said, he is hugging Robin and Nami just nodded also hugging Robin. While Usopp just hide behind Luffy chair.

At the bottom of the stairs there is a wooden door, he open it and see Ace sitting on a chair reading a newspaper leaning back into the wooden table, and Luffy sitting criss cross on the ground, watching the unconsious girl that is being tied up with a rope.

"Wait! why is There a girl unconsious right infront of them! And why didn't they help her!?" A not so smart marine ask. Sakazuki just mumbles asking himself why are these marines are an idiot.

"She's clearly got kidnapped" Luffy said.

"So... what are you gonna do to her?" Sabo asked walking inside the basement, now the you can see entire room much more clearly. There is a wall with diferent type of knife and gun and a few weapons on top of the table.

"Woaaaah! Theres alot of weapons!" Luffy shouted stars on his eyes.

"Are we just gonna forget the facts that Luffy brother asked what they are gonna do to the girl?" Nami asked in disbelieve "probably" Zoro said while watching his captain.

"It's either kill her, scare her to death, let her bleed, let the rats eat her or just let her be" Ace answer not looking up from the newspaper.

"Damn! What did she do to him?" Thatch ask "you'll know later" Sinn answer.

Sabo sigh "what did she do this time?" He ask leaning into the wall and crossing his arms "she always interupt when i was gonna talk to him" Ace pouted.

"That is a trivial thing to get upset about" Sabo pointed out "shut up, and you'll feel it too when you like someone anyway!" Ace semi shouted to Sabo. On the background almost all of Luffy simps nodded along.

"Ne... Ace? She's waking up" Luffy said taking both brothers attention, Ace grins "hello there! Cassy" he said making the girl scream for help "hey... you do relize that you are underground right?" Luffy ask not liking her sceams.

"She's an idiot" Luffy said and his brothers agreed with him.

"Okay! So your punishment is... death!" Ace said getting up from his chair and taking one of the knife from the board.

"See..! A pirate doesn't have any heart!" Sakazuki muttered. Unfortunately no one heard him except some marine that is on his side.

"no! Please! I beg you! Don't kill me! I'll do anything!" She begged. Luffy and Sabo watch the girl as she keep on begging "he wont change his mind" Sabo said looking through Ace eyes that held hatred.

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