Human heart

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„My human heart
Only got a human heart
I wish it didn't run away
I wish it didn't fall apart
Oh, my human heart
Night and day, light and dark
Any day it could be torn in half
Only got a human heart" - Coldplay, Jacob Collier, We are King

As Amber noticed that everyone stood at the open door she smirked to herself and got slightly up „Lilly, what the hell are these people doing here?"

Lilly played along „Oh I'm so sorry Amber I didn't realize what you guys were up to in here but Maya here was just looking for Josh and I told her I'd show her to your room to check if he's here and well, Jackpot I guess"

Motioning over to Maya Amber just said „Oh right, you must be Maya, nice to meet you, I mean I would invite you all in but as you can tell, Josh needs some rest after our little private party in here" she laughed.

This conversation felt like a million years to Maya, she just stood there in complete shock. As she snapped out of it, she instantly turned around and just ran out across campus. The friends were just as shocked for a few seconds. They all left after Maya. Riley managed to stop her friends quickly as she saw that Maya just ran over to an empty bench to be alone. „Okay, I want you guys to wait here as I will go over to get Maya. We are all shocked right now but let me handle this please." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Inside, Riley was shaking as she could feel the agony inside Maya. She walked up to her best friend who just stopped before the bench and fell on her knees, breaking down. Tears streamed down her face and she began to struggle to breathe „I-I-I can't bre-e-eathe, Riley."

„Maya, look at me, look in my eyes, I can take it, I'll cry with you but focus on your breathing please" Riley tried to calm her down as she held Mayas cheeks between her hands to lift up her head.
Maya looked into Rileys eyes still sobbing but her breathing became more steady. Riley couldn't hold her tears back either and silently cried alongside her best friend.
After a while, Riley suggested „Lets get you home okay? You can stay with me at our house as long as you want."
Maya just nodded, not able to speak.
Riley helped Maya up and supported her as both walked towards their friends. No one said a word, it wasn't necessary because they all knew that this was the beginning of one of the hardest times they had to witness for Maya.

„Amber, you do realize that you just literally crushed that girls heart right? And Josh's too when he finds out what happened. He really cared about her you know? I could tell from how he looked at her at the party!" Lilly said as she leaned against Ambers door frame.

„Oh please, I don't care. Tomorrow I will tell Josh what happened between us and once he got over that little bitch he will realize that I'm the better choice."

„You really gonna go through with this? You're gonna tell him that you made out, had sex and that he was drunk?? Do you really think he will believe you? What if he remembers everything?"

„Relax, I know how those drugs work, he'll think he had too much to drink and I wont tell him we had sex I mean I don't have to go that far since that girl is gone anyways. Besides, I don't believe he loved her that's ridiculous come on, everyone is replaceable, especially at our age."

„Gosh, Amber what did you experience in live that made you so cold hearted..." Lilly just sighed

„Whatever, I'm gonna go back to Josh and call it a night. Can't wait for him to wake up tomorrow" she smiled.

When Riley and Maya got home, Cory and Topanga were up and waiting. The girls came through the door and Riley made sure to first bring Maya to her room before she would talk to her parents. As the girls walked pass, Riley just said „Mom, Dad, please don't say anything right now, I'll be back in a bit to talk to you."
Both Cory and Topanga got completely worried as they just saw Mayas face and how she was all in tears but nodded in agreement to what Riley was asking them to do.

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