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The next morning, Maya woke up before Riley, just as usual. She also didn't sleep much because of all the chaos about Josh going on inside her head. She woke up Riley because she really wanted to talk to her as she felt quiet guilty about what happened last night.
„Riles, wake up please, I know it's your time, you do sleep like a rock but once you're done you are ready to rise and shine" she says with a fake bright voice.

With her face still on her pillows she just mumbled „Thank you for summarizing my sleeping habit, what would I do without you" and she slowly gets up looking at Maya. „So, Bay window?"

„Bay window right now", Maya answers.

„Okay peaches, spill it, what did you do last night after I fell asleep?"

„So, Riles, this will be a bit shocking to you since we haven't really talked about these things before well, because we didn't have to I guess but I kind of sort of tried to make out with Josh" she instantly blushed as the words came out and never felt this awkward infront of her best friend. Especially knowing how Riley would react.

„You did whaaaaat?" Riley exclaimed, while Maya puts her hands on her mouth, „Sshhhh, Riles please don't freak out", Maya tries to calm her.

„Okay Maya, I'm sorry but this is going too fast for me! Last time I checked, you never even held hands with my uncle and you haven't seen each other for 2 months and now this? What did I miss? How many secrets did you keep from me the whole time?"

„Don't be so dramatic, Riles. This is the only thing I haven't told you about Josh so far. And small side note, we actually did held hands, well sort of I mean not purposefully, and I already told you about it right after we left the Skilodge but you forgot. Anyways, so, you know how Nathan Farmer came up to me yesterday and I told you what he said right?"

Riley just nodded as Maya continued „well, you and I havent really talked about how it made me feel. I tried to avoid it, I didn't want you to talk me out of my idea about Josh. I felt so humiliated about the whole locker room thing. All I could think of was that Josh probably still thinks I'm just a girl and I'm too young and not desirable. So I decided I that after we got back and you fell asleep, that I'm gonna put on yoga pants and a cropped top, walking into the living room and well, actually I didn't have a plan after that but I just wanted to see where that would have lead me. I wanted Josh to look at me differently. I wanted him to think I'm sexy."
Maya shared with Riley how exactly the situation on the couch went down and Riley had to take a moment to let it all sink in.
„Wow, Maya, I don't know what to say. We really did never talk about these things before. I am so sorry you went through all of these emotions and I wasn't here for you."

„Riles, it's okay, I mean I am the one who hasn't told you anything so it's not your fault."

„Hm, I'm actually glad that Josh didn't take advantage of you in that moment, considering how dangerous it is since you are a Minor, Maya, you know that." Maya nodded rolling her eyes as Riley continued „He really cares about you. But where do you guys go from here?"

„I don't know Riley. It's all really confusing to me. I mean I'm still one and a half years away from becoming 18 and even more than two years before going to college. When I'm not around Josh I miss him and getting insecure wondering if or how long he will care about me, but when I am around him I attach myself to him so that I feel like I can't wait any longer and all I think of is later instead of living in the now. No matter how we do it, it doesn't stop being hard and painful. I actually don't know how long I can keep going like this, Riley, I feel like something bad will happen."

Maya and Josh- The Long Game Where stories live. Discover now