First Temptations

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The reason Maya wanted to be sexy was this. After that locker room situation, Ben Farmer told his brother Nathan that Josh had said nothing was going on with Maya and how he only saw her as a Minor and a friend for now, leaving out the part that Ben also told everyone about Josh liking her and waiting for her. Well it was definitely a good thing for Mayas reputation that Nathan wasn't starting a rumor about her and Josh and that Ben was at least honest in the end and tried to make up for his nasty behavior towards Josh. But for Maya even though she was glad that Josh tried to protect her she felt so humiliated and embarrassed. She was very angry at the fact that she became the topic of a locker room talk.

Maya's Pov
Okay, this is it. I've had it with this stupid age thing. I don't understand whats going on here, I'm humiliated at college even though I'm not even close to being at college. Guys who don't know me talk about my age and who knows whatelse they were talking about. Great. Damn it I'm 16 and I'm old enough to know that I'm a desirable young woman, not a girl anymore. I need to show that to Josh. Maybe, since we haven't seen each other for 2 months and if I dress differently, he'll finally see me as a woman. Today is the perfect opportunity, he will stay at the Matthews, I overheard Cory saying it this morning. So I will be there too.

As Josh sat there with his mouth wide open and staring at Maya he snapped out of it before it got too weird „Ehm, Maya, hi, wow, it's been a while".

Maya walks over to him elegantly, replying „Hi yourself Josh, may I join you" she asks him in a flirtatious way pointing at the couch.

Josh was overwhelmed with the situation. He was completely caught off guard by her appearance and the fact that he hadn't seen her for a while. On top of that he had to try not to stare at her body. Not that he didn't know she was beautiful but up until now Maya didn't try to show off that side of her.

„Yeah, sure" he just stuttered.

Maya sat down and started to talk „So, how are you? I missed you a bit", she said with a smirk.

„Well, I've been busy with studying and writing you know, and my job at campus." he tried to play it cool and ignoring the fact that Maya was hitting on him

„Yes I heard about that, thank you for the Valentines Gift by the way, it was the sweetest thing".

„You're welcome Maya, I just wanted you to know that I havent forgotten about you", he said with a smile on his face.

And they both talked a bit about the last 2 months and catching up. There was a crazy amount of tension in the room and Josh had a very hard time with keeping his feelings in line so he suggested

„lets watch TV okay? I really wanna continue this show", he lied.

„Okay, but I don't want to watch what you're watching", and she grabs the remote control out of Josh's hand. Josh got a little upset cause he didn't like that she just took it away from him

„hey give it back, I was here first you little ferret"

„Well than come and get it" Maya challenged him with a smirk as she hides the remote control behind her back.

Josh didn't want to lose so he leaned over to Maya and tried to go behind her back with his hands to take back the remote control. He realized he was now very close to her, just right above her with his hands touching her waist behind her back. They both gazed into each other's eyes. Mayas heart was beating so fast she wasn't able to think straight. Josh felt the same way, he was so attracted to her in that moment. He wanted to kiss her so bad but right before he wanted to lean in to kiss her he pulled back,

„Maya, what's happening here?" he asked out of breath, totally terrified of what just almost happened

Maya immediately felt shame and upset „why are you doing this Josh? I'm just a little girl to you right? I'm not attractive to you, I'm just a stupid minor. Gosh I'm so stupid" she said as she instantly crossed her arms over her chest

„Maya what are you talking about? You wanna know what I think? I was just so freaking drawn and attracted to you that it took everything in me to not make out with you. But then what? What did you expect? You just want me to kiss you and then still having to tell you to wait, is that what you want? Have you thought this threw? I could get into really big trouble if I would have done it." Josh responded slightly upset but also concerned.

Maya couldn't help but tears of humiliation and shame were streaming down her cheeks as she listened to what Josh just said and he placed one arm around her and motioned her to rest her head on his lap. He softly put his hand on her head and began to comfort her by stroking through her hair, „It's okay, I'm right here, I didn't mean to lash out at you, I'm sorry Maya." And after he let her be for a while he continued „now, tell me whats going on."

And when Maya was able to talk again she confessed „Josh, I am so sorry for doing this to you. I don't know what has gotten into me. You obviously didn't do anything wrong. But at school, Nathan Farmer came up to me and told me that there was a talk about me in the locker room at college and how you were trying to protect my age as some guys were suggesting something was going on between us. I felt so humiliated and exposed about this. On one side I was angry that these stupid guys were even bringing this whole thing up and on the other side I felt so disappointed that you still wouldn't look at me differently because of my age. So I decided to try and be more appealing for you to see me as a young woman and not a girl. But I never wanted to put you in this situation, please don't be mad at me."

Josh had to let what Maya just said sink in for a moment. Then he carefully pulled her head off of his lap, she then sat up and looked at him „Maya, of course I'm not mad at you, how could I? Thank you for your honesty and sharing your heart with me. Now, first of all, yes I said to the guys that you are too young right now and that nothing is going on between us, but that does not mean that I don't know that you are a young woman. I may have not been that focused on your physical appearance before because I'm trying to protect you but I am aware of the fact that you are clearly attractive and gorgeous", he said with a smile. „It's hard to explain all of this because I don't know how much you know about what guys feel in this regard. Maybe I'm not even the right person to talk to about this for now. Anyway, I can't tell you what exactly happened in the locker room because it's better for you if you don't know. There are a lot of bad guys at college who are literally hunting girls to hook up with. And they love to brag about their victory's, especially in the locker room. And what I'm trying to do is to protect you from stuff like this. I am not the kind of guy who just makes out with a girl and dumbs her and I would never do that to you. And I am sorry if I still make you feel like a girl, I don't see you as a girl anymore, Maya, cause if I would then I would have not told you that I liked you and made that long game deal with you".

Maya began to understand what Josh was trying to say.

„Thank you for caring so much for me, Josh, it means a lot to me. And I think I need some girl talk on the whole making out part", she said jokingly. Oh and just so you know, you gotta get used to these outfits cause I'm a young woman, and I can wear whatever I wanna wear", she teasingly adds.

„Alright then, young woman, it's not like I'm complaining about it either", Josh replied with a smirk. Maya just rolled her eyes
„okay, I'm gonna go to bed, Boing. See you in the morning?"

„Yes, sleep well, Maya".

Josh's pov
Oh boy, this girl. She really kills me. I honestly don't know what to do. I don't know if I can keep doing this whole back and forth thing for the next one and a half years til she turns 18. I hate to hurt her with being away for longer but I also don't want to torture us with being around all the time. I don't know what the wisest decision is here. Maybe there isn't one? Maybe I just have to live with this tension and try to find the right balance between distance and seeing her. I just hope she'll be fine. She is the most precious thing, so strong but yet so fragile.

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