After Someday

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At the time of Ski Lodge (around end of October) where Josh finally admitted his feelings for Maya, she just turned 16 two weeks prior and Josh was 18, so only for about 6 more weeks there was only 2 years that kept them apart. After Zay made the request of escorting Maya to double dates when Lucas and Riley are going out, Maya was a bit confused about the terms of the whole „Long Game" deal Josh and her were making. Like is it okay to go on dates with other people? Why did Josh say „it was up to her"? Did he not care whether or not she would date other guys? And what about Josh himself? Does he want to date other girls in the meantime? What's the purpose of their deal? Well, in the next conversation between Josh and Maya, we will find out.

(Middle of November) Like on many occasions, Maya was having a sleepover at Riley's and Josh just so happened to get into the habit of hanging out over at the Matthews more since he always did his laundry there. Josh came in with his laundry bag while Maya filled herself a cup of water in the kitchen.
„Hey Maya, how's it going?" Josh greeted her with a smile
„Hey Josh, it's going well. Actually, it's good that you're here I wanna talk to you about something." Maya responded with a bit of a nervous touch to it. She needed clarity over this thing and she needed it now.
„Okay, lets sit down then." Josh offered while Maya made her way over to the couch.
Wasting no time she cut straight to the point
„So the other day when Zay made his offer to escort me while we hang out with Riley and Lucas, you said when he asked you that it's up to me to decide. I understand that you obviously wanna give me freedom as we said that we will live our life's but I realized we never really spoke about the details of our deal, like how free are we talking? Do you want me to be in a relationship with other guys? Do you wanna be in a relationship with other girls?" She asked with an expectant look on her face, her eyes filled with hope but also fear, fear of hearing things she might not like.

Josh was a bit caught by surprise at the directness of Mayas thoughts but also impressed of the maturity of her question since he also realized they kind of haven't discussed the details of their „long game".
„Wow, Maya, thank you for bringing it up, I don't know if I would have done it so soon. So when I said „you live your life, I live mine" I meant that I want you to be completely free in anything you wanna do. I like you, I told you that. But I also know that you're in highschool and I'm in college and we both have different life's. I want you to be happy with where you are at right now, with your friends and your family. I don't want you to focus so much on later, Zay said that right. I don't want you to miss out on what's now. When you care about someone you also have to let that person go and that's what I'm trying to do. So, yes, if you would choose to be in a relationship with someone and you would be happy with that choice, then I would try to be happy for you too. You don't belong to me, I don't control your life, I can only control my own choices. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't want you to sit around waiting for me for 2 years or so and missing out on your life and maybe missing out on someone else." he looked away for that last part and spoke very quietly, almost as if he didn't want her to hear it. 

Okay, she thought, we definitely have to get back to what he just said because it's utter BS.

„Aha, and what about you and other girls?", she asked while pretending she just didn't hear him suggesting it would be fine to find another guy.

Josh smirked a bit „I don't really care about any other girls right now, Maya, I don't want to. Like I said I can't tell you what to do I only control what I do and there is only one girl I'm interested in but she is too young for me now but already sucking up all my energy." he grinned at the last part while Maya just rolled her eyes at Josh. She couldn't help but feeling butterflies in her stomach when she heard Josh say he was only interested in her, like did he seriously say that? And does he seriously still think it would be okay for her to date another guy? What was wrong with him?

„Okay, just so you know, whatever Zay said, the way he said it came across totally confusing!. I think he just wanted to make sure that you're okay with us all hanging out and he probably didn't want it to be weird if it would be just the four of us, Riley, Lucas, Zay and I, you know? I mean he knows how I feel about you and he knows that you like me too. And just for the record, I am not interested in any other guy either and I know I won't be, I mean why would you say that even? Shouldn't you know me by now? I've liked you for a while now and I don't see how that's gonna change." she stated matter of factly

Both gazed into each other's eyes for a while. Josh was conflicted, oh how he wished he could just cup her face and kiss her right now, she was so beautiful. He absolutely loved her commitment and passion but he also felt so bad about the waiting part and being scared she might miss out on a lot of fun if she would constantly think about him in the meantime. And fearing that he could hurt her that was the worst part.

„Maya, you're sweet and if I could I would love to make you 2 years older right now. But here we are. I'm sorry if I was upsetting you with my suggestion. It's just, I feel bad for letting you wait I mean it's a scary thing, I honestly have never been in a situation like this. I'm not gonna lie it's a huge responsibility for me, I mean like what if I break your heart? What if we hurt each other? It freaks me out to think I could hurt you. I just can't commit to you the way you deserve it right now. I mean, I don't know, of course it would hurt me if you would date someone else right now but like I said I couldn't control that..." he looked down and ran his hand through his hair nervously.

Maya just smiled lightly „you know Josh, the thing about opening up your heart to someone is that you always take a risk of getting hurt. I mean I know I have been hurt like hell in my life. But if I know one thing for sure, it is so worth it to open up to someone again later on even if that person might hurt you in the end. I would have never gotten to know Riley the way I did if I would have closed myself off from her. Did we have our issues and hurt each other? Yeah, definitely but it was so worth it cause she is the best friend I could have ever had. Now, with you, I'm not living in a fantasy world Josh, I know you're in college, you're handsome and I know you could potentially unwillingly hurt me. But I also know that you are an amazing guy, you are such a Matthews and I know you care about me. So as much as I'm scared to lose you before we could have the chance to being close, that is a risk I am willing to take if it means to get to know you more and getting closer. And don't worry, I'm not missing out on any fun and don't be so cocky, I don't think about you all the time." she playfully said while rolling her eyes. Okay that last part was kind of a lie but still, she had to make a point.

Josh smiled at Maya, shaking his head at her „Are you sure you're 16? Cause this is the most grown up thing you could have ever said to me! You know, when I told you that I never not want you in my life I meant it. I want to be your friend right now, I want us to become good friends so we can have a solid foundation for, you know, our someday" he smirked at Maya making her blush. „But honestly Maya, I wanna do everything I can to not hurt you, because you deserve nothing but the best in life. I want you to be able to trust me and rely on me as we become closer."

„Okay, but Josh, please lets be honest with each other in the process, I want you to always speak your mind whenever something is bothering you about us, please never think you can't be honest because you're scared to hurt me, promise me." She looked at him expectantly

Nodding his head he agreed „of course Maya, I'll do my best to be open to you and I also want you to do the same with me."

After a moment of silence and looking at each other Josh suggested with a mischievous smirk
„So, do you, Maya Hunter, want to become my best friend with the benefit of more in the next 2 years?"

Maya chuckled with a blush on her cheeks „Yes, Joshua Matthews, I want to become your best friend with the benefit of more"

And with that, it was sealed with a cute hug „Come here you little gorgeous ferret" Josh said while pulling her into his chest

Maya couldn't help but laughing into his chest while at the same time her heart was beating out of her chest at the physical touch they just shared, Josh of course felt the same way. Pulling away she smirkingly asked „So, boing, are we adding flirting into the best friends with the benefit of more thing already?"

He just shook his head letting out a laugh thinking this girl is driving me crazy already.

Maya and Josh- The Long Game Where stories live. Discover now