Return to Wawanakwa - Part 2

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Chris: Previously on Total Drama All Stars 2! 24 contestants from the past came back to win 5 million dollars! Two teams were formed: Heroic Bees, and Villainous Wasps! How will these teams fare against all of the pain and humiliation? Find out now on Total! Drama! All Stars 2!

Intro plays

Chris: Alright campers! These challenges will be the hardest yet! Of course, past challenges will return, but more harsh twists and mashups!
Contestants: *groans*
Chris: The first challenge will be Truth Or Laser Diving Sharks! Which is an homage to Total Drama's first ever challenge, and Revenge's 2nd challenge!
Scott: Oh no.
Chris: Oh yes! And guess who is always there?
Scott: Fang!
Chris: Yep! *chuckles* Meet me near the cliff in 5 minutes!

5 minutes later

Chris: Welcome to the Get To Know You show! Hosted by Chris Mclean!
Trent: You set this area up well!
Topher: You mean perfectly.
Chris: Thank you. It's set up for massive destruction.
DJ: Destruction?
Chris: Meaning in case you fall.
Gwen: Oh no... Greece's Pieces will come back to me...
Courtney: That's right it will! And you will feel EVERYTHING.
Chris: Is everyone seated?
Contestants: Let's just go!
Chris: Here are the rules. I will ask embarrassing questions to everyone.
Revenge contestants: *groans*
Chris: You must admit it and get shocked. If you do, your team gets a point. If you say you refuse, you'll have to dive into the water and survive the sharks for one minute. If you do, your team still gets a point. If not, your team gets no points.
Gwen: This better not be me...
Chris: If NO ONE says anything, then EVERYONE will dive in! The only way for your team to get a point is if ALL TEAM MEMBERS survive for one minute underwater. The opposing team can guess who is guilty. Guess right, and you receive a point. Guess wrong, and your team has to dive.
Contestants: *scattered cheering and groans*
Chris: Now let's get started! First question! Who has a crush on Alejandro but keeps denying it?
Heather: Ugh! *presses the button and gets shocked*
Chris: One point for the Villainous Wasps!
Heroic Bees: *giggling*
Heather: *shoots a glare at the Heroic Bees*
Heroic Bees: *stops laughing*
Chris: Next question! Who is the boyfriend stealer from Total Drama World Tour?
Gwen: *gulp*
Courtney: *evil grin*
Sky: Oh no...
Scarlett: Ha ha!
Gwen: *to the Heroic Bees* Promise me you won't make fun of me for this!
Heroic Bees: *nods their heads*
Gwen: *presses the button and gets shocked*
Chris: And that's a point for the heroes!
Trent: No matter what happened who knows where, she's still Gwen.
Courtney: You would dare support her?
Trent: Yeah! And I can speak for everyone on my team that Gwen is still Gwen no matter what happens!
Heroic Bees: *nods in agreement*
Brick: I salute you, Gwen!
DJ: Nice work confronting your fear!
Trent: Takes a lot of courage, which you have.
Samey: I think we should have a celebration party once we win for us admitting our humiliation!
Gwen: Thanks everyone.
Amy: Wow! You stole boyfriends! Such an evil kisser!
Samey: Cut it out Amy!
Amy: Mind your own shadow Samey!
Scarlett: Is your mind even in the program? You seem to be stumbling too much!
Courtney: Are you gonna cry Gothy?
Anne Maria: That hair is so disgusting!
Sky: Oh no! I feel bad for you Gwen...
Shawn: Me too!
Topher: Me three!
Alejandro: Me four!
Duncan: Don't hate, but me five.
Villainous Wasps: *glare at Sky, Topher, Alejandro, Duncan, and Shawn*
Heather: Alejandro-
Alejandro: As a friend I feel pity. I respect the ladies.
Courtney: Duncan-
Duncan: Don't. This may be hero behavior, but still. Gwen still needs some sympathy.
Scott: The goth look obviously doesn't suit you. Everyone looks at you weird!
Lightning: You are so weak!
Heather: Looks like you'll stay the new Heather after all!
Villainous Wasps except Duncan, Sky, Topher, Alejandro, and Shawn: *stands up and evil laughs at Gwen while pointing at her*
Brick: *stands up and blows his whistle* THAT'S ENOUGH! SIT YOUR WASPHINDS BACK DOWN!
Heroic Bees: Oooooooh!
Villainous Wasps except Duncan, Sky, Topher, Alejandro, and Shawn: *sits back down*
Brick: *sits back down*
Chris: I actually allowed that. We'll be right back with our 3rd question on Total! Drama! All Stars 2!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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