S1/E2: Dragon Eye of the Beholder (Part 2)

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We start off from last time after Dagur fired a boulder at The Reaper, the same ship you and the Riders were on which began to sink. You all cried out for Hiccup as you tried to free the Riders from the Dragon cage.

Dagur: "Isn't this exciting? What will he choose, ladies and gentlemen? Saving his friends? Or capturing his mortal enemy, his brother?"

Hiccup huffs a breath and steers Toothless back to The Reaper to save you and his friends. Dagur slumps his shoulders.

Dagur: "Hmm. Disappointing." *chuckles* "But oh-oh typically Hiccup."

HTTYD: Race to the Edge

Dagur laughs as Hiccup flies back to the ship and lands to see you using your daggers fo try to pry the cage door open. However, it was useless. Then you spot the future chief.

Y/n: "Oh, yeah. Just stand and watch. Really helpful!"

Hiccup rolls his eyes and runs up to the cage.

Riders: "Get us outta here, Hiccup!"

Hiccup: "Everyone, stand back!"

You and the Riders listen and Hiccup orders Toothless to fire a plasma blast at the lock. However, the steal only absorbs the blast which fascinates Fishlegs.

Fishlegs: "Dragonproof bars?! Fascinating..."

Hiccup: "Whoever built this ship really knew what they were doing."

The ship suddenly rocks to the side, throwing you off of your feet and slamming into the ground. Snotlout got slammed into Fishlegs as well. Then the ship rocks to the other side, making you roll across the ship as Fishlegs is then slammed into Snotlout.

Snotlout: "Oh, you know what would be more fascinating? Getting us out of here!"

Hiccup has Toothless fire at the cage again as you finally stand back up. But like last time, the plasma blasts did nothing.

Hiccup: "We need more firepower. Guys, Dragon calls!"

The Riders begin to call out for their Dragons as you and Hiccup continue to force to the cage open. However, instead of Dragons flying in to save the day, it was the giant screaming eels from earlier that arrive.

Snotlout: "Why'd it have to be EELS?!"

Hiccup cries out in frustration and tries to get the cage open with you, but an eel slithers up to him and grabs his prosthetic leg. He screams, only for Y/n to stab his dagger into its head and Toothless blasts it away.

Hiccup: "Thanks, guys."

Y/n: "Don't mention it!"

Hiccup nods and goes back to the cage as Toothless fires at eel after eel to keep them back. Then Hiccup gets an idea and pulls off his metal leg to use it as a lever to pry the cage open as you do the same with your daggers. As the two of you do this, the rest of the Dragon Riders call for their Dragons.

Snotlout: "Uhh, Hookfang! Help us! I'm important!"

Astrid: "Stormfly!"

Ruffnut: "Barf, Belch! Get your butts over here!"

The ship suddenly tilts to the side and begins to sink. You and Hiccup hold on to the cage for dear life as your feet dangle from beneath the two of you.

Hiccup: "Toothless!"

Toothless snarls at the approaching eels and goes to fire at them again, only to realize he was all out of shots. The Night Fury growls before he roars, calling out to the other Dragons as well. Thankfully, the Riders spotted them flying above and even you became a bit relieved at the sight of them. However, the cage door suddenly creaked and flew open. The Riders trapped inside fell out, but they managed to grab yours and Hiccup's legs to stay away from the eels.

HTTYD: Race to the Egde (Male Reader Instert)Where stories live. Discover now