The End of The Journey

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The sound of stomping feet filled the silence of the white hallway. Many times the body hit several people and almost fell.

The feet ran fast. 

It felt like just a little late, 

everything would disappear.

The strong hands opened the big door harshly. Those feet stepped closer to the figure of a person lying weakly on the gurney. The doctor who was standing beside the figure immediately approached the person.

"Sir, Mrs. Bang condition is getting worse. She must be given further treatment immediately in order to survive. But to get treatments, the baby must be delivered by C-section now."

"Do it, do anything you can, Doc. Please save them!"

Chan got an emergency call from the hospital while he was at the agency. Hearing that your condition was deteriorating, his mind was completely muddled. The members who were there let him go, even Minho took the initiative to drive him. He didn't want his hyung to drive with a frantic mind.

Hearing Chan's approval, the doctor and the nurses took your gurney to the operating room. He followed you, looking at your helpless face with your eyes tightly closed. His heart was beating so fast, scared and worry ran through his body.

"Doc, may I accompany my wife?"

"Sure, sir. I'm sure she really needs you by her side."

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During the operation, Chan held your hand tightly. He cried non-stop, kissing your fingers many times. He didn't stop saying encouraging words to your ears even though you might not hear it.

"Love, you're a wonderful mum, you're strong, you can definitely get through this, hmm?"

The sound of a baby's cry eventually filled the room. He noticed that then walked over to the nurse holding the baby. A smile plastered on his face, his daughter was very beautiful.

"M-my baby."

"We will clean your baby and immediately take her to the incubator due to premature birth, Sir."

"O-okay, thank-"

"Doc, the patient's heartbeat is gone!"

A nurse's scream made Chan immediately turn back to you. His feet ran towards you, but several pairs of hands held him down. He rebelled, forcing those who held him to drag him out the door.

"Sir, please wait outside!"

"Let go, let go of me! I HAVE TO ACCOMPANY MY WIFE!!"

"Hyung, let the doctors do their jobs!"


Minho, who had been waiting outside the room, helped the nurses to hold Chan there. Until the door closed again, he was still banging on the door and crying loudly.

His body slumped, sitting on the floor with his back against the door. His mouth kept calling your name with his voice almost faded away.

Minho couldn't do anything. He could only approach his hyung and embrace him, crying with him. He couldn't see his only hyung in his life crying in frustration like this.

"Sir, excuse me. You can come to the NICU."

A nurse came to Chan and Minho, making Chan immediately wipe his tears and stand up. Slowly, he walked towards the incubator room.

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