Love Drunk

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The sound of heavy breaths filled the entire room as the music ended. Those eight men immediately plopped down on the floor, resting their tired and sweaty bodies.

One of them walked over to a sofa at the end of the room. He took a cloth and wiped the sweat off his face and neck. Then he sat down on the couch and took out his phone.

His fingers moved to slide some of the photos on the screen, then smiled slightly remembering the annoyed face of the woman in the photo when she realised she was being photographed by him.

He stopped when a photo appeared on his phone screen of that woman playing with a puppy. Her hair tied up, a few strands that fell on her face and a sweet smile made his heart beating fast.

You always make my tiredness go away, y/n.

"Guys, look. Our hyung is drunk again."

"Hahaha, love drunk~"

The man just chuckled shyly, then immediately put his phone in his pants pocket. Not intending to reply to his younger members' jokes, he walked towards the door of the practice room with the bright blue walls.

"What do you want to drink? I'm going to the cafe. I'll treat you all."

"Ohoho, you treat us because you're already dating the woman who works at the cafe, right?" teased one of the members, Jisung, which was followed by cheers from the other members.

The man, Chan, just smiled sadly. If he could answer 'yes' out loud, it would be very happy for him. But he knew, right now, making you happy was his priority and he didn't want to force you.

"Huh, whatever. Just say your orders in the group chat. I'm leaving."

As soon as Chan left, the members started to gather and sit in a circle. No, they weren't doing any rituals. They just wanted to gossip about the eldest hyung who seemed happier and more excited these days.

They already knew that Chan was close to you, a non-celebrity woman who worked at their agency's cafe. They caught Chan chatting with you at night when he wanted to buy a drink there.

Chan knew one day they would notice. However, he didn't want to open his mouth much, considering that he was a celebrity who could be caught by the media at any time. Moreover, there must be a lot of fans hanging around the agency.

"So, Chan hyung is really dating that woman? Her name is Y/n right?"

"Apparently not, seeing from his reaction earlier, I don't think Y/n has accepted him."

"Wait- he had forgotten Rena sunbae?"

"Changbin, you are the first to know about this. Has Chan hyung moved on from her?"

All the members looked at Changbin with curious faces. He sighed, then folded his arms in front of his chest, too lazy to talk about that woman. The woman who had been hanging around in Chan's life since he was a trainee.

"I hope he's moved on. That woman- uhm- is not a nice person."


"You've been working here for a week. Do you feel comfortable? If something makes you uncomfortable, say it. I'll take care of it-"

"Chan- this is the third time you've asked the same thing in a week. I'm fine, okay?"

Chan giggled softly, being scolded by you didn't make him angry at all. His friends were right and he realised that, realised that he was drunk in love. He had never been this in love with a woman before. Especially now, the woman he loved was very difficult to get.

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