“I’ll be fine. Just trust me; we’ll be to my place in a few minutes.” A few minutes on this thing? Uhhh…

The bike started moving, and that’s when my eyes closed shut tightly, blocking out all of my vision. I pressed my head into Blaise’s muscular back as we started whizzing through the streets on his deathtrap on two wheels. Every second on that machine was almost like torture. It brought back feelings and thoughts that ‘what if we crashed?’ and ‘I could die just like my parents’. Thinking those almost made me cry. I definitely did NOT want to leave the same way as my parents.

After minutes of that, the motorcycle finally stopped moving. I slowly lifted my head from Blaise’s back and looked up. We were parked right outside his house. “Come on, let’s go inside.” Blaise said with his real smile. I smiled back and took his hand for him to lead me into his mansion of a house.

My hands started sweating and my heart started beating faster. Was I ready to tell Blaise about my life? I mean, we only just started dating…

In Blaise’s room, I slowly followed him to his bed. He sat down on the edge and I sat next to him, facing him. Blaise looked deeply into my eyes and held my hands in his much larger, rougher ones. It was a nice feeling.

I took a deep breath and started. “I’m sure you think I live the perfect life. I mean, you called me a princess before…” I laughed bitterly, just a bit.

Blaise winced and began rubbing circles on the backs of my hands. I continued before he could say anything. “My life is…well, it’s not perfect. Far from it actually. When I was about two years old, my parents…” I took another deep breath, “My parents, they went out to celebrate their second anniversary. They had gone out to a bar, and they forgot to bring a designated driver or call a cab. S-so they decided to drive back home themselves a-and…” Tears were starting to form in my eyes, “on their w-way home, they got in a c-car accident. They lasted in the hospital for an hour until th-they…until th-they died.” That was when the tears started really falling, and I dropped my head into my hands. Loud sobs started escaping my lips. I can’t believe I just told him that, I thought to myself, He probably thinks of me as weak now.

Blaise surprised me by pulling me into his lap. I didn’t really pay attention to it, but it did feel nice. It gave me a strange sense of security and safety. It was a nice feeling, when I had just opened up completely to him. Even if I wasn’t completely sure about Blaise…I mean, sure he seemed to have changed but how was I completely sure?

The room was silent, the minutes dragging along slowly. All that could be heard in the room were my slightly lessening sobs and the beating of my heart. Blaise held me in his strong, muscled arms. It made me think about his lifestyle. Was he really bad? I hadn’t really seen him in action much. Heck, I’d only known him for like two weeks. Which led me to the question: why did he leave his old school?

My train of thought was interrupted by Blaise sighing. I pulled back from where my head had rested on his shoulder and looked at his face. He looked sad, and it was not a look I liked on his handsome face. His eyebrows were creased as he looked at me, and his mouth was set in a deep frown. Although he still looked rugged and sexy, it just wasn’t a good look for him.

Without thinking, I reached up my hands and gently pulled his eyebrows back to their original positions. The shock at what I did shone in his eyes, and instantly I was self-conscious. Was it too early to be doing that? I mean he only just asked me to be his girlfriend a couple hours ago…

Blaise surprised me, once again, by leaning his forehead on mine, looking into my bluish hazel eyes with his own. I took a deep breath and then, for the first time since I had met Jace (seriously, I was terrified when I met her. But who can blame me? SHE’S CRAZY!), I had a bad case of…’word vomit’ I guess is what you could call it. “Sorry, for everything I mean. Like crying on your shirt, and dumping all of my problems on you, and touching your eyebrows, but I only did that because you looked sad and upset and I didn’t like that look on you so I thought that I had to fix it and-“

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