Chap 7

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A/n Haha isnt that funny 2021 i feel like thats awkward so maby i should  discontinue this story orrrr make one last chapter that details how i had planned the story out basically spoillers.
It feels like a mistake to make my  first story a fan fiction so instead ecpect one offs with only one part till i get over my commitnent issues.


His voice trembled and he-

Bakugo povs
His voice trembled and he collapsed but thanks to my wonderful reaction time and cat like reflexes I caught him and he was surprisingly light .



It kinda looked awwwkward because uh he's taller than me so it was quite a funny sight to see. i mean this body is six this kid looks to be i dont know ten? .I looked behind to check on the new kid who i forgot was following me.

uhhhh hes fine, a little panicked but arent we all ?

Thankfully the cave was nearby so it wasnt as grueling to half drag touya there.

After some time i finally made it to the cave, *sigh* people are going to be so jealous at how big my muscles are going to be, yup definetly bigger than almight.

Okay I put some stuff on his wound so he should be fine i dont know im not a doctor.

Giving touya a once over i realized, 'where are his shoes ?'

Looking over realizing icant just up and leave and the best route to go was to innitiate conversation alright here goes nothing "Hey ,are you alright if i call you dust bunny?" i asked the new kid

"uhm actually my-"

"Cool so it looks like his shoes fell off so i'll just go look for them " the last word being said as i exited the cave no time for pleasantries .I found them(not the pleasantries the shoes)
"did we ask "
"did I ask for your imput , no it didnt seem like it "
"why you audascious little bit--fuc-- gremlin"
" Speechless? i know i often have that effect on people ,but also Gemlin? really ? What are you british? no never mind your manners are to awful for you to be british"


i..well okaaay that was that .Upon entering the cave i was met with-

A/n right so guys so sorry to leave you on anothet cliff hanger i know this is gonna get annoying so


Dustbunny and touya having a staring contest .Before they noticed me i very very discreetly put the shoes down before coughing .Both their heads snapped in my direction so fast i thought  they broke something i then imnediatly witnessed then recoil from whiplash heh suckers.But now its time to put on a show .
"T-touya oh youre awake!
are you okay ? do you want water? "

i then rushed to my back pack and brought out some water shoving it into his hand.

he was obviously confused but because of the Good manners that must have been  carved into his bones he said,
"I- Thank  you "
i nodded, " what about everything else ,how do you feel?"

He got a glassy but blank look in his eyes "nothing ".
Now that gentleman if that didnt get my attention  then the big fat juicy tear that rolled down his cheek a second later definetly did.Gross feelings

But out of obligation i slowly approached  him and said-

A/n okay for realsies this time its the end  of the chapter definetly not worth the long wait but oh well its kinda you guys is fault for wanting more of this abomination gosh i hate that im sych a slow burn writer .
sighning out its your slightly ~more smexy couch potato~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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