Chapter 5

812 39 19

I got to the park and .............

Bakugo Pov

I got to the park and saw

Nothing !!!!!!

Just kidding I saw some random kids bullying a green haired boy .

Heyyyyyyy wait those random kids are my underlings .
Also that green haired kid lives a few houses down from mine and is also the rumored and I quote 'quirkless one ' don't come at me I'm not the one who came up with that nickname if I were to give him a name it would probably be 'deku ' or something like that .
Now you know I'm not a kind hearted guy nor am I a cruel one but I can't let the bullying go on like I mean it could lead to depressionnnnnnnn and depression is not pretty,

But iam


I'm handsome .

Enough about me let's approach these kids nice and easy .
"Hey! Idiots !"
Well so much for a nice approach .
I sneaked a glance and the broccoli kid and he was radiating fear like, I can smell human emotions due to my cat quirk but only like the main emotions like sadness ,love,anger ,joy ,disgust ,and fear well there are many more but I can only sense or smell them when they are really prominent but like I said I can smell fear and this kid reeked of it .
"Oh hey bakugo, we were about to beat up the quirkless one " said uhhhhh, what's his face ,well for now well just call him #1 ,while laughing
These kids think that I'm like their hyung-nim or something cause they follow me around so I kinda got used to being a boss man .
"tch ,don't beat him up I marked him so he's my prey I'm gonna deal with him " .
Well technically I didn't mark him well I mean the marking for mates that I did not do that but ,I meant the mark like he is the kid I'm gonna pick on until the ages of ages ,I mean of course that was a bluff but like I said I'm their hyung-nim so of course thell believe me .
"Uggghhhh fiiiiiiiiiiiiineee " both #1and #2 replied at the same time ,kinda creepy but okay .
"tch stand up " i said walking away broccoli kid scrambled to his feet and followed me .
I walked to like behind the slide kinda jungle gym twisty turny thing and sat down and what did he do , he just stared at me .
"Well sit down as well ",I took a deep breath in and said " first let me introduce myself I'm bakugo Katsuki but you can call me Bakugo "
"O-oh u-um my name is Izuku ,Izuku midoriya"he introduced while he was introducing himself I noticed he was starting to smell less and less like fear so that's a good sign I guess?
" well I already know who you are so no need to introduce yourself .you live two houses over so my mom knows your mom "
"O-oh okay um i- thank you for helping me you looked so cool but also scary! Wait no no no you didn't look scary at all you looked almost as cool as All might when he fights all the bad guys "
* sigh. *
"Well how about I take you back to aunty inko I think she might start to worry ."
"Okay! Thank you!"

As I was walking Midoriya home we passed a semi dark alley I heard sniffling but it was to faint to pick up with the human ear.
perks of being half cat I guess .
"Um Midoriya I think I remember something I have to do bye Midoriya !"
I said running off somewhere I heard a faint bye before stopping turning around to make sure I couldn't see him anymore then proceeding to walk forwards the alley where I heard the sniffling .

Time to see what that noise was.


Hey guys .
How you doing so I know that I haven't uploaded in a while and I know you want to know the reason so the truth is......


Okay please don't send assassins after me .
Okay in all honesty  was busy I promise like school officially started again and I'm a weekly border so I don't have as much free time on my hands as I used to and I am  so so so so so so so so so so sos so so so so so so sorry
Please forgive .
I also won't be able to post to frequently I hope you forgive me !
777 words
Sincerly with lots of love and thanks
And many apologies
~smexy couch potato
<3< 3< 3< 3< 3<3 <3 < 3<3 <3 ><

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