The Experiments

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1-S was a small little creature. It fit easily in it's creators palm, well fit through the hole in his palm. It didn't know it yet, but it was created for what the creator thought was the right reason. It was created for war. Yes, it was small and cute now, but it would grow over time. It would become dangerous. It would grow to be 2x larger than it's creator, but for now it was small and I daresay cute with bright blue and white eyelights. 2-P was hardly any larger than it's counter part when it was created. It was a wiggly little thing who tried in vein to lick the creator's face. It was estimated to grow 4x larger than it's creator and was modified to have dragonic wings. They were created two, nearly three, years apart from one another. The creator was curious as to how 1-S would react to 2-P. It was also a test of intelligence of sorts. They were only supposed to hold the intelligence of a loyal dog, but they were made from him. There was potential for them to be smarter than they were supposed to.


When the creator tossed 2-P into 1-S' kennel, it panicked at first. It's instincts screamed for the small bone creature to escape it was under threat of a larger predator and the predator was advancing slowly. 1-S was indeed larger, seeing as it was older. But that was temporary. It growled lowly at it's tiny invader. This was it's territory. It didn't like trespassers. 2-P looked behind itself. The larger was drawing nearer. It scrambled frantically at the metal door, leaving small gouges in it. The creator would have to fix that later. It gave up on being saved, whimpering in high-pitched whines. 1-S shook it's head. The whines reminded it of itself when it was first thrown in here. The tiny one obviously wasn't a threat. The creator had tossed it inside on purpose, so 1-S retreated back to it's corner.


At first the older completely ignored the younger. When 2-P realized 1-S wasn't going to eat it, it quickly resorted to a more playful nature, bothering 1-S with slaps and nips and it's noisy barks. 1-S snarled and retreated to another spot to sleep, but 2-P followed pouncing on 1-S. The larger groaned and snarled. 2-P backed away. As soon as 1-S laid it's head down again, 2-P was right back at it, trying to get 1-S to play with it. 1-S shoved it over and found a new place to relax. 2-P found that to be a great response! It scrambled up and ran after 1-S again. 1-S sighed, resigning to it's fate as 2-P's new chew toy. 2-P was annoyed by this. It'd gotten a great response and now it wasn't getting a response at all! It tugged at 1-S' tail with no avail. 1-S was done. 2-P's wings and tail drooped and it whined again. 1-S didn't respond. 1-S watched 2-P start to retreat. It didn't want 2-P to give up though. 1-S had started to enjoy the pestering a little. So it tripped 2-P with it's tail. The younger yelped, falling to it's side and looking at 1-S as the older chuffed a laugh. 2-P perked considerably, tail wagging. It was the start of an unbreakable bond.


When 1-S was 5 and 2-P was 3 they were tranquilized and moved to a larger kennel to fit their growing forms. This room gave them more stimulation. Dog toys, a tire swing for them to chew on, old clothes for them to tear up, etc. They enjoyed this room a lot more. Both creatures had doubled in size and tripled in strength. 1-S looked considerably more dangerous, but the creator knew better. They were both highly dangerous. He never dare enter the kennel unless they were out. The pair were playing tug of war with the tire swing now, snapping the chains that held it to the ceiling and shredding it like paper with their strong jaws. Such terrifying beasts they were. The days continued on. 1-S found itself enjoying quieter toys like the Kong or the rubber ball while 2-P squeaked away on the rubber bone. That was it's favorite. It pranced around with it's rubber bone on a daily basis and sometimes even flew up into the rafters to snooze with it. 1-S got lonely and usually whined for the younger to come down. It didn't like being alone anymore.


They were on a strict feeding schedule. So when the day came when the food didn't come, the pair became confused. Where was the food? Why wasn't the creator feeding them? They'd hoped that the creator had just been busy and forgot. There was no food the next day either. Or the next, or the next. At this point they were frantic. They needed food to survive, they had to leave. They tore at the metal door to no avail. Tried to dig themselves out from the tiled floors. Nothing. Their blasts only made marks. There was no vents they could fit through, no spaces they could crawl out of. 1-S couldn't fly so that was out of the question. They were stuck, afraid, and confused. They had to actually think to escape. 1-S noticed the smallest little space between the floor and the door. It noticed this when sulking because 2-P was hiding in the rafters again. It barked for the younger's attention, pointing out the small detail. 2-P didn't get it immediately, but when 1-S managed to hook it's claws under the door.. 2-P did so as well and together, the two of them lifted the door. 1-S shimmied itself under, raising it further with it's shoulders. They were free.

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