Chapter 3

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A constant ringing in the head of a young girl pushed her to let out a painful grunt. Reaching out, she desperately tried to stop the agonizing ringing that wouldn't stop by trying to stop her alarm candle but to no avail.

She tried to reach her hand but unfortunately it only ended by her falling off the platform her tiny body was previously laid on.

A gasp escaped her lips as her body hit the hard floor or surface or whatever it was that she landed on.

The ringing?

It wouldn't stop.

She opened her eyes, trying her best to figure out where she was to the best of her abilities. Smoke was the first scent she smelled. It was dark, or was it night time?

She couldn't tell. Yet.

But above all, the realization hit her like a drum, she was not in her room, she was not in her house.

Where the heck was she? And how the heck did she end up here.

And that freaking ringing could someone make it stop

Then it hit....the ringing, it was her head, or maybe in her head. She grabbed her head from the headache that's hitting her at full force.

She glanced on her side and noticed a small sofa. Was she sleeping on that?

She undressed the place as fast as she could, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. She holds onto the sofa to stand and proceed to do so, in the most messy way possible.

Talking about mess, this room was a perfect example.

She wobbles around her hands outstretched in front of her trying to locate the exit. If the room even has one in the first place.

At last she found it, the handle of what she assumed was a door. It better be.

The girl pulled the door open, half of the wood breaking down.

Umm....... anyways.

She walked out and found herself in a hallway that had stairs at the end, without a thought she rushed or wobbled the best she could to reach the stairs and down.


She was at a tavern. Not any kind, her workplace. A relieved sigh escaped her lips. She was not kidnapped by one of the immortals, she was still in the village. She was still safe, at home.

The young girl looked around at the drunken bodies of men and women that seemed to have enjoyed the festival to the fullest. Each in their own special ways.

She walked behind the bar trying to find anything that could help put that hangover of hers in a time out. At least that's what she assumed it was. She was not the drinking type but hey, she had to be drinking past her limits to be in the state she was.

Couldn't possibly be anything else. Right?

No. It couldn't.

Some noise was heard from outside. Guess some people were still enjoying themselves.

"Found it!" She whispered to herself.

"That should do it." She again said to herself.

Gulping down the liquid as soon as the tip of the bottle came in contact with her lips and proceeded to grimace at the taste.

Like magic, the effects of the drink started to do wonders on her.

She felt so content, no more ringing, no more wondering where in this living realm she was.

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